Salad of young lightly pickled zucchini


• Zucchini – 500g

• Parsley – a small bunch, chop

• Garlic – 2-3 cloves, pass through a garlic chopper

• Vegetable oil (olive, avocado) – 3 tbsp.l

. • Ordinary vinegar – 2 tbsp.l

. • Jerusalem artichoke syrup – 1 tbsp.l

. • Salt – 1 tsp

. • A pinch of black pepper and a pinch of chili pepper

How to do:

1. Chop the zucchini very thinly, add salt, stir, and drain in a colander.

2. At this time, make a dressing from all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly.

3. When the juice stops flowing from the zucchini, mix them with the dressing and put them in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Garlic and black olive butter

This is a very, very tasty snack or addition to breakfast. I recommend preparing this oil in advance, so that it has time to fill with the flavors of all the ingredients. I recommend serving it with warm bread.


  • 250 g of good tasty butter,
  • 150 g of Olives (you can use any, but I like it best with the blackest dried). Most importantly, remember that the taste of this snack oil directly depends on the taste and quality of Olives.
  • 1 tsp. ground dry garlic (can be replaced with 1-2 cloves of fresh, passed through a garlic chopper),
  • 2 tsp dried herbs oregano / rosemary,
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

How to do:

1. soften butter at room temperature.

2. free the olives from the bone, cut arbitrarily without bringing them to the paste.

3. when the butter is soft, mash it with a fork, add the olives, garlic and herbs, mix thoroughly and season with salt / pepper to taste. A lot of salt and pepper is not worth it, because later the olives will give their spice to the oil, keep this point in mind.

4. transfer the butter to an airtight container if you intend to store it, or to a nice serving dish if you plan to serve immediately. his to the table. Send it to the refrigerator to brew for 1-2 hours. When serving, you can sprinkle it with olive oil and garnish with olives.

Creamy pumpkin cheddar millet porridge with nuts + some more recommendations for serving

Today I will tell you how to make a piece of culinary art from ordinary millet. The most important thing in this porridge is the additional ingredients, depending on which it plays with new colors every time.

Ingredients for porridge (for 1 serving):

* Millet – 50g.

* Water/milk-approximately 150 ml

• Mashed baked pumpkin-3-5 tbsp. l. or to taste

* Aromatic cheddar/gruyere – the more, the tastier))) But I put 20-30g, grate or finely chop.

* Dates – 3-4 pcs.

Cinnamon-0.5 tsp

. * Salt-to taste

Butter is optional, I do not use it, I have enough cheese

Ingredients for topping (the possible options are listed below, you do not need to put everything at the same time):

* Nuts are better than pecans or walnuts (a handful)/pumpkin seeds

* Nuts + thin slices of cheese, so that they have the opportunity to melt on the porridge

* Mushrooms fried with oregano and sage + some pine nuts. It turns out something like a risotto.

Caramelized bacon + maple syrup • Nuts (handful) + orange zest (from a quarter of an orange)

• Pecans (handful) + caramelized pear (peel, cut not very finely, fry in ghee withjerusalem artichoke dill until brown)

How to do it.

1. Bake a pumpkin (better butternut or Hokkaido) in the oven (recipe here). Then you can make not only porridge from it , but also pumpkin soup, tortillas, hummus and other dishes.

2. Wash the millet until the water is transparent, pour it with boiling water and drain the water. So the porridge will definitely not be bitter. Then pour the millet with water/milk, add salt and cook until tender under the lid, stirring occasionally for about 35 minutes. If desired, you can remove the foam.

2. While the porridge is cooking, blenderim pumpkin together with washed dates and cinnamon in mashed potatoes. You should get about 5 tablespoons.

3. As soon as the porridge has become viscous and boiled, add the pumpkin-date mixture to it, mix, let it boil for a couple of minutes. We try the salt/sweetness/sufficiency of the pumpkin in taste. What you need-add, throw in the cheese, mix until it is completely dissolved and try again. It should turn out not liquid and not too viscous, moderately aromatic, sweet and creamy-cheesy. Find this balance, then turn off the stove and let the porridge stand for 5 minutes.

4. Serve with any of the toppings described above.

Roasted/baked chestnuts

Chestnut has a unique aroma and sweet taste. The texture is similar to a nut, but not as fat and high-calorie. You can eat it just like that, make soups out of it (I especially like it in cream soups), desserts (very tasty if there is chocolate or maple syrup in the dish), add it to stews/pilafs/risotto/pasta/casseroles/cutlets/salads. Chestnut flour gives a very unusual taste. In General, an interesting and versatile product.

Immediately important: do not confuse plz horse decorative chestnut and edible!!! In Moscow, you can buy raw edible chestnuts at markets, and there are also some in stores, but more often they are canned.

How to do:

1. Chestnuts iterate, throw too soft (they are most likely spoiled) and with the damage, my (if I have time, I leave them in water for about 30 minutes to peel softened), water is drained, dry fruits to to cut the rind of the they didn’t nothing happened.

2. Cut the skin with a sharp knife on the convex side of the cross or line, as I have in the photo. It is better to cut on the convex side, because then it is easier to clean. You can generally make a line around the entire circumference, then the peel can be opened like a matryoshka doll))) Ideally, do this with a special gadget (for example, thisone), but you can just use a sharp knife. With a knife, it is more convenient to make an incision on the Board, and not on the weight, so as not to get hurt.

The most important thing is to make sure that you cut the skin exactly, but the chestnut itself is not. If the skin is badly cut, the chestnut may explode during heat treatment, and if the flesh itself is strongly cut, it will also fall apart and dry up during cooking.

3. fill the processed chestnuts with water for 15 minutes, or blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes. This step is necessary in order to make the peel later easier to move away, and the kernels themselves become juicier. I recommend salting the water to taste, don’t be afraid to overdo it with salt;)

4. while the chestnuts are soaking, preheat the oven to 180, or a frying pan. It is better to use a thick-bottomed frying pan with a lid of such diameter that the chestnuts are placed on it in 1 layer. It’s not terrible if a few things are in 2 layers, in the process of stirring, all the chestnuts will still be fried.

Spread the chestnuts on the pan with the flat side, so that the maximum amount of the fruit surface is immediately warmed, and the peel opens. Then fry, periodically shaking the pan, over medium heat for 25-40 minutes (the time depends on the size of the chestnuts) until nice brown scorch marks. Check readiness with a toothpick or sharp knife. If it’s easy to enter, it’s done.

For baking, you need either a form with a lid, or a baking sheet on top tightly cover with foil so that the chestnuts do not dry out. Bake for 180C for 40 minutes or until tender.

5. Put hot chestnuts in a container with a lid, or cover with a towel for about 10 minutes. During this time, they will become more saturated taste and slightly cool down, and they can be eaten without burning. The most important thing is to eat warm. After cooling, they become dry and completely not as tasty as warm ones.

It was a basic recipe. You can also add large sea salt + rosemary, cinnamon + maple syrup to the chestnuts, or whatever you fancy. I like to fry them in a frying pan and add spices near the end so that nothing burns.

If you are frying chestnuts for a particular dish, the most important thing is to clean them while they are warm, because as they cool down, the skin will again become tight to them.

Dried plums with garlic and herbs

If you love sun-dried tomatoes, but have never tried sun-dried plums – you urgently need to try them. This is just a bomb, unreal and the coolest snack, especially with cheese and wine.

It is very simple to do, but it takes time (6-7 hours).

Ingredients (for 1 pan):

• 1.3 kg plums (I like to do with blue, you can use any, the main thing – it should be ripe, but firm/fleshy, juicy pulp otherwise evaporated, and will remain a tough skin).
• 1 head of garlic (no need to use if you don’t like or replace with 2 tsp. of dry finely ground garlic),
* Leaves of 2-3 sprigs of thyme + 1 tbsp of dried herbs that you like (oregano, Basil, rosemary, marjoram, hops-suneli, etc.). depending on the chosen spice, the taste of the finished plum will change in the direction of a particular cuisine of the world. My favorite thing is to make a mixture of thyme and Provencal herbs. If you will use only dry spices, put up to 2 tbsp in total.
* 2-3 tbsp olive oil,
• 1 tsp sea salt with a slide,
* 1-2 tbsp sweetener (I have Jerusalem artichoke syrup) – this is optional and depends on the acid of the plum,
* 0.5 tsp ground Cayenne chili-optional.
For storage in a Bank:
• 3 tbsp balsamic, wine or Apple cider vinegar,
• Olive oil.

How to do:

1. wash the Plum, wipe it with a towel (we do not need extra moisture), cut it in half lengthwise and remove the bones, put it in a large bowl. Garlic is cleaned and cut into thin plates.

2. add salt, spices, oil, sweetener to the plums and mix thoroughly. If you use dry garlic, then add it too.

3. Put the oven to warm up to 100 degrees (normal mode, not convection), and at this time spread the plums on a baking sheet with parchment/silicone Mat pulp up. In each slivinu put 1-2 plates of garlic and remove this splendor in the oven for a time of 5 hours. I bake for 7 hours, but after 5 hours I become more alert so as not to over-dry.

4. in the process of baking, please do not go crazy from the flavors and do not drag the plum from the baking tray, and there is a risk that in the end there will be nothing to put in a jar))
Open the door periodically and let off steam. When the plums look like sun-dried tomatoes, it’s done. The flesh should remain slightly moist, and the skin should become wrinkled.

5. transfer The finished plums to a glass jar, tamp them down and fill them with vinegar and oil so that they are all closed. I’m ramming hard so I need less oil. Store in the refrigerator. They are tastier for 2-3 days.

Separately, I want to say about garlic, it caramelizes and turns into garlic chips. You can put it together with plums in a jar, or collect it and use it separately, and cut a couple of fresh cloves to the plums. The taste will be different, try both options.

P.S. it Is also very interesting to make these plums in barbecue sauce or with any other spicy marinade. The principle is similar. In a bowl, mix everything, spread it out and let it stand.

Flatbread with sweet potato/pumpkin

Ingredients (10-12 pieces):

* 1 medium-sized sweet potato (about 2 cups of pulp). Sweet potatoes can be replaced with ordinary potatoes, but the taste will certainly be different, and it can also be replaced with pumpkin, or a mixture of pumpkin and potatoes, then the taste will be very close to sweet potatoes;)

2 cups whole wheat flour. It is this flour that you need exactly as much as the sweet potato occupies in volume. You will get 1 cup of pulp, so you will need 1 cup of flour. In addition, you can safely experiment with flour, replacing part of the wheat with barley, spelt, rye, etc.

* 1 tsp salt

* Optionally, you can add any spices to your taste (chili, turmeric, paprika, cumin, curry, etc.).

How to do:

1. bake sweet potatoes. First, carefully wash it, pierce it with a fork in several places so that it does not crack, wrap it in foil or spread it on parchment. Bake for 40-60 minutes at a temperature of 180C-200C in the standard mode “top-bottom”. The temperature and time depends on the oven. The readiness of sweet potatoes is determined by a knife, if it is easily pierced – everything is ready. Do not turn off the oven, but put it to warm up to the maximum.

2. let the fruit cool slightly, peel it, then chop it with a fork in a large bowl, adding salt and spices.

Important. Do not knead it for too long, grinding it into porridge. So the mass will be too starchy, like paste, and the cakes will turn out to be rubber, not soft.

3. in the crushed sweet potato, gradually add flour and mix the contents. I first put half of the flour, mix, and then add portions. Add until the dough stops sticking. It is important not to overdo it with flour, so that the cakes do not become too dry and hard in the end.

And again, do not knead too intensively, it is not necessary.

4. cover the dough hermetically and let it stand for 30 minutes, after proofing it will become tender and pliable to Rolling.

5. dust the surface with flour, spread the dough on it and roll it into a sausage. Cut in half, then each piece into 5-6 equal parts. The result is 10-12 identical pieces, well, or almost identical.

Roll each piece into a smooth ball, put it to rest for another 10-15 minutes under a towel. This item can be omitted if you are in a hurry.

6. each ball is first flattened by hand, then on the surface dusted with flour we roll out with a rolling pin about 3 mm thick. As thin as possible, as thick as you like.

We fold the cakes in a pile under the towel so that they do not zavetrel.

7. then spread a few tortillas on a baking sheet with parchment in 1 layer and bake until they are inflated and baked. It’s 5-10 minutes, depends on the oven. After each batch, peel the parchment from the fallen flour so that it does not burn and does not spoil the taste of the next tortillas. Or fry in a dry preheated frying pan on medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes on each side until brown.

Put the finished cakes in a sealed container in a towel. It will keep them warm and soft.

They can be eaten with any dishes instead of bread, used as pita/Pita Bread for snacks with any fillings. Bon Appetit!

Cream soup of pumpkin and apples with herb butter

This is the perfect soup for the end of summer/beginning of autumn, when the harvest of apples and pumpkins has already ripened, but there are still fresh, fragrant greens. The taste combines a whole palette of shades: sour (apples), sweet (pumpkin, carrots), bitter (chili, onion, garlic) and plus aromatic oil. It turns out an amazing balance. Everyone try;))

Ingredients for the soup:

• 1 small pumpkin, I have Hokkaido (1.3-1.5 kg),

• 2 large onion heads,

• 2 large apples or 3 small ones

• 1-2 carrots (optional, but it tastes better),

• 1-2 sticks of celery (optional, but more flavorful with it),

• 4 cloves of garlic (I generally put the head),

• Vegetable broth/chicken broth/water – 1 l. approximately (depends on the thickness of the soup you like),

• Olive oil – 2 tbsp.,

• Thyme – 4 branches or 1 tsp dry (instead of thyme,you can try to make a soup with sage or oregano),

• Ground chili – 0.25 – 0.5 tsp or to taste,

• Salt and pepper – to taste.

For satiety and increase the amount of protein in the dish, you can add a couple of handfuls of white already cooked beans to the soup. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the taste will not be so bright. But don’t worry, it can be balanced by adding a little more spice;)

Ingredients for green oil:

• 1 medium-sized bunch of coriander or parsley, or a mix of them (I like the mix the most),

• 4-5 tbsp olive oil,

• 2 tbsp white wine vinegar or Apple cider vinegar,

• Optional garlic and onion powder 0.5 tsp.,

• Optional 2-3 tablespoons of water or to taste, to bring the sauce to the desired consistency,

• Salt and pepper to taste.

How to do:

1. All the vegetables/fruits to wash. Peel the onions and carrots if they are old. The young one can be left with the skin. Cut the pumpkin into 4 pieces, remove the insides with the seeds. Cut the carrots randomly, but smaller than the pumpkin. Cut the onion into 6 parts: that is, first in half, and each half into 3 more slices. Remove the core from the apples and cut them into 2-4 pieces. Celery cut into 4-6 parts. Garlic cloves divide by 1 piece. If you’re baking a whole head, like me, then cut off the top to show the cloves. Through these holes, we will then extract the baked garlic easily and simply.

2. Put everything from the first point on a baking sheet with baking paper, sprinkle with oil, throw the leaves with thyme, mix and bake at 160C until the onions and carrots are caramelized. It’s an hour, maybe two.

If you are in a hurry, set the temperature to 180C. It will be faster, but the vegetables are more likely to be boiled with baked edges. Also would be delicious, but the long baking gives the soup a unique taste umumnya;)

3. Remove the pulp from the finished pumpkin and Apple with a spoon and transfer it to a blender or saucepan, if you have an immersion blender. Peel the garlic and there, as well as all other vegetables and broth/water, bring the soup to a uniform consistency.

Only then season the soup with salt/pepper, chili and additional thyme. Try it, if the soup turned out to be sweet with a moderate sourness, quite sharp, but not too much, then it is ready! Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. Turn off, let stand for 5-10 minutes, with the lid slightly open.

4. Do green oil. Put all the ingredients in a blender, except salt and pepper, and bring to a smooth finish. Try, add seasonings gradually, bring to a balanced taste.

5. Pour the soup into a plate, top with 2-3 tablespoons of green oil. I also sprinkle a little sweet paprika for beauty and put a spoonful of cashew mayonnaise (recipe here). By the way, bread croutons, which are always appropriate for mashed soups, can also be smeared with fragrant oil. Bon appetit!

Gingerbread turmeric latte

I have a non-standard recipe “Golden” milk, there are so many different spices (composition close to the gingerbread mixture), but it’s a very versatile option I like the most.

Makes a great warming drink and very nutritious, by the way)

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

• 1 Cup (250 ml) of any milk. But I like the combination of fatty coconut (50 ml) and oat/soybean (200 ml).

• 0.5 tsp. ground turmeric without slides,

• 0.5 tsp. ground ground ginger without slides,

• 1 stick of cinnamon (can be replaced with 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon),

• Pinch of black pepper,

• Super mini pinch of nutmeg, Cayenne pepper and sea salt

• Sweetener to taste (I like a neutral Jerusalem artichoke syrup). Also suitable honey or maple syrup, but they give your taste a touch of look according to your taste.

• 1 tsp coconut oil (you can substitute butter, ghee),

• 1 box of green cardamom.

If you do not like any spice, they can not be used. Only the main ones are turmeric and ginger. Their number is also at your discretion.

In addition, if you don’t have any spices at home, but there is, for example, a mixture of gingerbread, it is also very go. Put the taste gradually.

How to do:

1. Heat the butter in a saucepan together with the cinnamon stick and cardamom, fry them until the aroma for a few minutes. Then make a quiet fire and add milk.

2. Heat the milk in a saucepan over low heat, until the state when it already is steam (about 60C). Most importantly – do not boil it.

3. Then take out the cinnamon stick and cardamom and whisk the warm milk with the rest of the spices in a blender (if using ground cinnamon, put it at this stage), add sweetener gradually to taste. Then again whipped. The longer you postpone, the more foam;)

Cardamom and cinnamon I usually throw away and put in the curry, if you cook it the same day because the spices after such a short heating is still very flavorful.

4. Pour the milk in your favorite Cup and enjoy, Bon appetit!

Salad with roasted cauliflower, podmazyvanie carrot and crispy chickpea under tahini dressing

The moment when a salad just happened from what was home, but immediately loved it. Fragrant, spicy, light and hearty at the same time. In him everything is in harmony and texture, and taste.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Forks 1 large cauliflower (or 2 small),
  • 4 medium carrots, preferably a very sweet seasonal
  • 1 bunch parsley,
  • 1 bunch cilantro,
  • 2 cloves garlic, missed through chesnokodavku (optional)
  • 3 tablespoons Apple cider or wine vinegar,
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice (you can substitute Apple cider or red wine vinegar),
  • 2 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any other sweetener (optional)
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce (can be replaced by 0.5 CH. l. salt),
  • 1 tsp ground coriander (optional or substitute the spices that you like),
  • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Salt/freshly ground pepper – to taste.
  • Crispy chickpeas (recipe) – a handful for each serving
  • Tahini dressing, try with a different (recipe 1, recipe 2, recipe 3) – 2 tbsp for each serving.

How to do:

1. Chickpeas do in the first place, the link to the recipe above. Do it a lot at once, put in salads, soups or just enjoy;)

2. While the chickpeas are done, prepare all the remaining ingredients.

Rinse the cabbage, disassemble it into inflorescences, rinse it again, let the water drain. Drying the cabbage is an important point, otherwise the Kona will not be baked, but will be boiled and not so tasty.

Leaves and a stalk not throw out, and put in the freezer and then cook this kind of vegetable broth (recipe).

Opolaskivaniem greens, soak in water for 10-15 minutes, so it definitely came off all the dust and dirt, again opolaskivaniem.

We only want the leaves, chop them coarsely. Stick, not to throw, too, in the freezer for broth.

Carrots my brush, clean (peel also not throwing themselves already know why;). Further, the peeler nastigaet thin plates, put them in a container with tight cover, add to vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce or salt, garlic, sweetener, cilantro or your favorite spices, pepper. Close the jar and mix everything together intense shaking, leave at rest for at least 10 minutes. Marinating the carrots can be done in advance.

Make the salad dressing (it is better because it “collects” the whole salad).

3. Bake the cabbage.

Chickpeas take out, put the oven on to warm to 180C.

Spread the cabbage florets on the parchment, sprinkle with a little salt and pepper, butter sprinkles and carefully all this stir. Try that each inflorescence was covered with oil.

If you have the desire, then the cabbage can be used to season anything you like: paprika, turmeric, chili, cumin, mustard, honey, etc., but believe me, in this case, salt and pepper straight enough for the carrots and chickpeas and so will be very spicy.

Bake in fan mode until crispy and crusty, this is approximately 25-35 minutes. Depends on the oven. After allowed to cool.

4. Collect salad.

On the plate put cabbage, then the carrots on top of greens, really do not regret it there is a place, then pour dressing on salad (2 tbsp per serving or how many have conscience))), throw a handful of chickpeas and enjoy immediately.

Delicious oatmeal cookies with beans (three recipes for all tastes)

These cookies are good and taste, texture, and composition (complex carbs + vegetable protein). A great snack that everyone likes;)

So, three recipes is:

Cookies made from beans, apples and oatmeal, which contains no eggs, milk, flour. It is very tasty. Wrote about it earlier.

And recently I made two types of cookies based on chickpea Blondie, and was very pleased with the result. Both delicious, but the chocolate is straight chocolate)))

Don’t forget that recipes can and should be changed to your taste, every time receiving a new and interesting result;)

Ingredients for about 20 pieces:

• 240 g cooked chickpeas (1 standard Bank of chickpeas without the liquid, you can substitute white beans),

• 1 Cup of rolled oats,

• 10 without Iranian date syrup (or to taste), if you have a king dates, they will need 6-7 pieces,

• To 100 ml of any type of milk (if needed, if the blender will not cope with “test”),

• 3 tbsp. of any nut butter/Urbach to your taste (,

• 1 egg or 1 “flax egg” (1 tbsp flax seed to grind into flour + 3 tbsp water, stir, leave for a few minutes until thick).,

• Zest of 1 small lemon (optional)

• 2 tsp ground vanilla (or extract),

• 1 tsp. cinnamon

• Pinch of salt

• Nuts/dried fruit/chocolate chips, optional, number at your discretion.

For the chocolate version:

• Zest of 1 orange instead of lemon (optional)

• Plus 3 tbsp. cocoa

• Plus 2-3 tbsp sweetener (maple syrup or Jerusalem artichoke are ideal),

If you want to Supplement the recipe with some spices to your taste – to health, if only they were combined with the remaining ingredients.

How to do:

1. Chickpeas. You can use canned chickpeas or boil in any convenient way (here described in detail, as I do).

2. Whisk in a blender all the ingredients except the chickpeas. If you have very dry dates, soak them for 10 minutes in boiling water.

3. Now add in the blender the chickpeas and cook until smooth, if necessary add milk. Direct to perfect smoothness to bring the “dough” is not required. Now spoon interfere oatmeal and, if desired, chocolate chips, nuts (preferably roasted) and dried fruit. But this is at your discretion, I made the cookies without them. But with additional ingredients of course tastier and fatter, and sweeter. Here it is that someone important;)

4. Spread a spoonful of batter on a baking sheet with parchment and spread, you can decorate a cookie. Bake in a preheated 180C oven for 20 minutes. Baking time will depend on your equipment. The last minute watch the biscuits carefully.

5. Take out cookies and let it cool to room temperature and can be eaten.

If you leave them on air – they will be crumbly if you put it in your container, it will be like the gingerbread in consistency. I like crumbly.

And I really recommend eating them fresh. And whatever is not eaten immediately in the freezer and get as necessary. The longer you’ve been the cookies, the less fragrant and flavorful it becomes.