Poppy seed roll in pita bread

Once Upon a time I posted a recipe poppy seed oatmeal roll this option is much easier, because you do not need to make the dough, but it still turns out very tasty.


  • Lavash (the composition should be flour, water and salt)
  • Poppy seeds-200-250 GR.
  • 50-70 ml of any milk (delicious with almond and coconut)
  • 1 chicken egg
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup / honey to taste
  • Optionally, you can add dried fruits, butter, nuts, lemon zest to the poppy filling.
  • A pinch of salt

How to do:

1. filling.

The most important thing in the filling is to grind the poppy. Either dry in a coffee grinder, or already steamed in boiling water, grind with a blender. I use the second way as it is faster. So:

Poppy pour boiling water in a saucepan or ladle, in which you will then cook it. It is better to pour more water, then salt the excess. Leave it for at least 30 minutes, I pour it at night. So it becomes very soft and malleable to grinding.

Then drain all the water that is above the level of the poppy and grind the future filling with an immersion blender for 2 minutes. It is not necessary to turn it into dust. After that, evaporate the remaining water over medium heat, then add 50-70 ml of milk mixed with egg white, a pinch of salt and Jerusalem artichoke syrup/honey to taste (try to your taste).  Everything is well and thoroughly mixed so that the protein is completely rastovrilsya in the filling, and not baked in pieces. If desired, you can add dried fruits, butter, nuts, lemon zest to the poppy. Just complete improvisation. When the mass is not liquid-remove from heat and let cool (this is important).

2. twist the roll.

First of all, turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.

Lavash is better cut into small pieces. Because if you twist a large thick roll, then in the very center the pita bread will not be baked and will be too wet.

This filling is enough for me for 3 pieces of about 30 by 40 cm + to decorate the roll from above.

Evenly distribute the filling on the surface of the pita bread, quickly fold it until it starts to get wet, grease the top with egg yolk and decorate with poppy seed filling. Decoration is optional.

3. baking.

Bake the rolls on the middle shelf without a fan (and then they will break in the process) for about 25 minutes. On top should get a ruddy crispy crust, then immediately take it out, otherwise it will all crack.

Let the roll cool a little, cut and eat. But if you have the strength to wait, then it will be even tastier to completely cool it, cut it. And just before serving, warm up at 200 degrees in the oven for 5 minutes. Then it will not be hot inside, but very crispy and appetizing outside.

Gingerbread turmeric latte

I have a non-standard recipe “Golden” milk, there are so many different spices (composition close to the gingerbread mixture), but it’s a very versatile option I like the most.

Makes a great warming drink and very nutritious, by the way)

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

• 1 Cup (250 ml) of any milk. But I like the combination of fatty coconut (50 ml) and oat/soybean (200 ml).

• 0.5 tsp. ground turmeric without slides,

• 0.5 tsp. ground ground ginger without slides,

• 1 stick of cinnamon (can be replaced with 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon),

• Pinch of black pepper,

• Super mini pinch of nutmeg, Cayenne pepper and sea salt

• Sweetener to taste (I like a neutral Jerusalem artichoke syrup). Also suitable honey or maple syrup, but they give your taste a touch of look according to your taste.

• 1 tsp coconut oil (you can substitute butter, ghee),

• 1 box of green cardamom.

If you do not like any spice, they can not be used. Only the main ones are turmeric and ginger. Their number is also at your discretion.

In addition, if you don’t have any spices at home, but there is, for example, a mixture of gingerbread, it is also very go. Put the taste gradually.

How to do:

1. Heat the butter in a saucepan together with the cinnamon stick and cardamom, fry them until the aroma for a few minutes. Then make a quiet fire and add milk.

2. Heat the milk in a saucepan over low heat, until the state when it already is steam (about 60C). Most importantly – do not boil it.

3. Then take out the cinnamon stick and cardamom and whisk the warm milk with the rest of the spices in a blender (if using ground cinnamon, put it at this stage), add sweetener gradually to taste. Then again whipped. The longer you postpone, the more foam;)

Cardamom and cinnamon I usually throw away and put in the curry, if you cook it the same day because the spices after such a short heating is still very flavorful.

4. Pour the milk in your favorite Cup and enjoy, Bon appetit!

Matcha latte (hot and cold options)

Matcha is the only green tea I dearly love. Of course, such tea requires ceremony and traditional use (brewing with warm water and whipping with a whisk), but many like to drink it with milk. I also like matcha latte, although the taste of tea is killed.

In general, the traditional recipe is basically the same everywhere you can google it, and lattes do everything in their own way. By trial I formed a simple but very tasty recipe.


* 0.75 tsp. matcha tea (half a spoonful is small, and the whole is strong),

* 50 ml. water, heated to 70C,

* 50 ml concentrated coconut milk (I like it best with Foco),

* 100 ml oat milk,

* Optional sweetener (best suited Jerusalem artichoke syrup).

Vegetable milk can also be taken in the following variants:

* 75 ml coconut milk + 75 ml water,

* 75ml Cedar milk + 75 ml of water.

The hot option:

1. Boil water to 70 C, No More, otherwise the tea will be bitter. If you do not have a thermometer on the kettle, just open it and let it stand for 20 minutes.

2. in a saucepan, heat coconut and oat milk to 70 C. If there is no thermometer, I touch it with my hand. Fleetingly with the edge of a finger – it should be warm, but not scalding.

3. Take a cup in which it will be convenient to whip tea (I have a wide and rather deep Cup), and pour tea there, I recommend doing this through a fine strainer so that there are no lumps in the drink. Next, pour 50 ml of warm water into a cup and whisk the tea until smooth and frothy. It does not necessarily need a special whisk, any that is convenient for you will do. Mechanical or electrical.

4. while the tea was being whipped, the milk was already hot. You can just pour it into the tea, stir and enjoy. But I still love foam, so I pour hot milk into a blender and whisk it at maximum speed for 1 minute, and only then pour it into a cup of tea. It turns out just a buzz! If desired, you can put a sweetener.

Express version (taste slightly different from long version): just heat the water and milk, put all the ingredients in a blender and whisk for 1 minute. Done)

The cold version:

The first step in the “hot version” is brewing tea. Heat the water to 70C, beat the tea with water, as described above. Then add cold milk, whisk all together until frothy. If desired, you can put a sweetener. Then pour the latte into a glass, add ice, let it cool a little, done!

I make ice from vegetable milk (wrote about it hereI recommend putting half of the ice from oat milk, half of the usual-from water. So that by the end of the match your drink is not too watery.

PS I highly recommend drinking tea without sweeteners. If the tea is quality, and the milk is delicious (mine oatmeal coconut has already indicated above), the water is good (without foreign odors), then the tea turns out very tasty and so. But if you still like sweeter, you can add a sweetener at the stage of whipping tea.

Carrot cake with cream cheese and caramelized pecans + life hack for the preparation of a perfectly flat cakes

It’s bonkers!

My carrot cake is not cloying like in classic recipes. The cake itself is quite sweet from the carrots and raisins, and the cream I add the Jerusalem artichoke syrup. By the way, I love dense and moist cakes and not the air. So if you coincide with me in tastes, then catch the perfect recipe.



• 400 g carrots (about 4 medium size)

• 175 g whole wheat flour (or you can do 50/50 with oatmeal),

• 100 g of raisins,

• 50 g pecan or walnuts,

• 3 eggs,

• Juice and zest of a large orange,

• Zest of half a lemon,

• 4 tbsp vegetable oil,

• Optional 50 ml of sweetener if you like sweeter,

• 3 tsp ground cinnamon,

• 2 tsp. ground ginger,

• 0,5 tsp ground vanilla

• 0.5 tsp. ground nutmeg,

• 0.5 tsp. sea salt

• A pinch of ground white pepper, allspice and ground cloves.

You can also put the dough in cocoa, star anise, cardamom, coriander, if you like these spices.


• 1 tsp ground vanilla

• 6 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any sweetener of your choice

• The juice of half a lemon (zest from a, put in the dough),

• 400 g cream cheese or mascarpone, or cream, or a mix of these ingredients. Or coconut cream (for wagashi version).

I like this pie with curd cheese, but to make the cream is not very greasy and caloric, I mix my schedule I cheese with Greek yogurt in the following ratio: 250 g of cheese + 150 grams of yogurt.


• A handful of pecans or walnuts (can be more)

• 1 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any sweetener of your choice

• A pinch of salt.

How to do:

1. Carrots wash, peel and grate on a small grater or grind in a blender. Nuts (50 g) chopped, not super small. Rinse the raisins, a little dry. Grate the zest of orange and lemon, squeeze the juice of an orange and half a lemon. Lemon juice to set aside for the cream.

2. Mix all ingredients for dough except flour, bring to a homogeneous condition. Then add the flour, stir again.

3. Take a baking sheet, covers it with baking paper and distribute the dough with a spatula all over the surface.

The cake will be about 1.5 cm thick. Bake at 160C for approximately 35-40 minutes. For 5 minutes before the expected end of baking start to check the readiness with a toothpick (it should not be raw dough). If the cake inside is moist, and the top is flushed, close it with foil to avoid burning.

4. While baked cake, prepare the cream and nut topping. For the cream whisk all of the ingredients until smooth and put in refrigerator to cool. The cream will be dense, and easy to spread on cakes.

5. A handful of nuts dried in the oven at 160C for 10-15 minutes minutes or until it will turn brown. Still hot nuts and mix with a tablespoon of syrup and a pinch of sea salt. Cool, then coarsely chop.

6. Ready cake cool slightly at room temperature, then cut in half, then into 2 parts. Get a perfectly smooth cakes and size, and thickness.

If suddenly crooked cut, put all 4 layers on each other, trim edges, and trimming empty sprinkles cake, or eat;) the Cakes put in the refrigerator so they are fully cooled.

Can easily use this hack for other layered cakes.

Important. If you will bake a carrot cake in a standard round shape, it is better to use split. To cut the cake only when the cake is completely cool. And baking time will be different, because a thicker crust baked through longer.

7. After everything has cooled down, grease each cake with cream, do not forget about the sides of the cake. Put it in the fridge overnight or for a day. Before serving, sprinkle with sweet-and-salty nuts and crumb cakes.

I recommend either cut into 8 rectangles or thin piece along the whole pie, like so:

Enjoy your meal, try not to eat all at once. Pie is sooooo rich, keep in mind. Come for Breakfast and for evening tea;)

Mango Lassi with coconut milk and lime

I love mango Lassi, but I do it on the classic recipe (with yogurt and milk), and on its own. The milk I use coconut and oatmeal, since they too emphasize the mango flavor and acidity make lime. Too cool lime combined with the coconut, and mango.


• 2 mangoes (400 g of pulp),

• 150 ml coconut milk (I use fat),

• 200 ml oat milk

• Sparkling water optional and to taste, to bring the beverage to the desired consistency

• Juice and zest of half a lime (if the lime is small, it is possible and entirely to use it).

Also in Lassi, add spices to your taste, it may be the cardamom, chili pepper, ginger, salt, saffron, turmeric, cinnamon, mint, sweetener. Personally, I either add nothing, or choose one of the spices in the mood and most often it is ginger.

How to do:

1. Mango wash, peel and cut into pieces. And then you can make a drink, adding some ice or frozen mango. I make Lassi from frozen mango pieces, because it is refreshingly cold and crisp, which I really like. Spread them on a Board or the lid of the plastic container and put in freezer for a couple of hours.

2. Then all the ingredients except the spices and water are placed in a blender, whisk for a minute. Then if necessary, add water/ice, spices to your taste. Add gradually and taste what happens. Whisk again and serve. Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon, ground cardamom, garnish with fruit pieces or ice cream.

The most delicious oatmeal-Apple crumble with raisins, pecans and maple syrup

My favorite crumble, it is simple and gorgeous at the same time. With almost no sweeteners with minimal amounts of oil and flour, but with lots of fruit. Can’t imagine a more delicious way to eat a kilo of apples!

In this basic post, I described all the subtleties of making crumble, I highly recommend reading it first.

And now the recipe.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1kg of sweet and sour apples. It’s about 7 medium-sized apples, and is better to take different varieties, so the taste will be more interesting. Part of the apples you can substitute ripe pears or plums.
  • 100 g raisins (you can substitute prunes or dates),
  • 2-3 tbsp maple syrup (you can substitute another sweetener or even not to put it because of the raisins will be enough sweetness),
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice (you need about half a lemon),
  • 3 tsp cinnamon,
  • Grated zest of half a lemon,
  • A pinch of nutmeg and ground ginger.

Ingredients for crumble:

  • 200 g of oat flakes or any other, for example, “4 cereals”,
  • 50 g whole wheat flour/spelt flour/buckwheat flour, or any nut of your choice
  • 50 g pecans/walnuts, roughly chopped,
  • 100-150 ml of milk (coconut is very delicious)
  • 3 tbsp. softened butter ghee (you can substitute any vegetable and bake crumble given temperature dymlenija this oil),
  • 0.5 tsp. powdered vanilla,
  • 1-2 tbsp maple syrup,
  • A pinch of salt.

For serving: vanilla ice cream/Greek yoghurt/vanilla sauce, berries, nuts.

How to do:

1. Nuts rinse. If the nuts are old or have a bitter taste, then soak them in clean water until they become sweet to the taste, then dry the iteration at low temperatures (method I wrote here).

2. Wash apples, peel and carefully remove all inedible parts. Half of the apples grate on a coarse grater, the other half cut into thin slices (the thinner, the better). Raisins wash.

3. In a large saucepan heat some oil for frying (I have MCE) and put apples, raisins, sweetener and spices. Simmer on medium heat for 15-20 minutes until fully cooked and brown the apples, then add lemon juice and zest, stir, taste and add more spices and sweetener to your taste if necessary. The stuffing is ready.

4. Crumble. Mix in a bowl all the dry ingredients, add oil, milk and syrup, mix to a consistency where all the weight is evenly moistened. Direct wet mass is, it is not necessary.

5. Slightly grease the molds with oil, put the stuffing evenly on top of crumble and bake at 180C on the middle shelf until Golden brown. I have it took about 25 minutes, but all ovens are different – be careful. At the end of baking you can activate the grill so the crust was more crunchy.

Important. I often make crumble in the evening for Breakfast. In this case I baked it for 20 minutes, and in the morning I bring to readiness the remaining 5-10 minutes.

Serve with Greek yogurt or vanilla ice cream. In Greek yogurt (1 jar 125g), you can add a quarter of a vanilla pod or a half teaspoon of ground vanilla, a few drops of lemon juice and 1H.l. syrup (maple/artichoke). It turns out incredibly delicious!

Pistachio and raspberry cashew cake

Raspberry and pistachio is a perfect combination of flavors, which can be used for raznoobraznyh dishes. I love raspberry ice cream with pistachios, and now decided to make raspberry cashew cake.

About the nuances of vegan cooking, raw food desserts I have written in detail in this post. Here I will describe the recipe.

Ingredients are given for a rectangular silicone mold (27х13см). Cake height was about 5 cm.

This amount of ingredients will fit into a round shape about 21-22cm, height will be the same – 5cm.

If your shape is more or less proportional increase/decrease the amount of ingredients.

1. Shell:

1 Cup (about 100g) dry roasted pistachios.

If you have pistachios in the shell, keep in mind that the weight of kernels of peanuts is 40% of the total weight. That is, to obtain 100g of pure cores, you will need approximately 250g of pistachio nuts in the shell.

3-5 dates.

A couple of pinches of sea salt. If you are using salted pistachios, in addition to some salt is not necessary.

2. Cashew layer:

1 Cup (a little more than 100g) raw cashews, soaked at least 2 hours (I soak overnight).

100 ml coconut milk. You can substitute coconut cream or mixture of cream with water.

2 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any other sweetener/dried fruit, which is eaten.

0.5 tsp. of ground vanilla or the seeds of 1 pod.

Juice of 1 small lemon (3-4 tbsp).

3 tbsp (30 g) unrefined coconut oil. The oil you need to ensure that the cake kept its shape.

A couple of pinches of sea salt.

Optional 1 tbsp of lemon zest.

3. Raspberry layer:

300 g of raspberries. You can use both fresh and frozen. Frozen berries need to thaw and live with the resulting juices.

2 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any other sweetener which is eaten.

2 tbsp of Chia seeds.

1 tbsp coconut oil.

4. Decoration:

A handful ground to a crumb of pistachio nuts and a few raspberries.

How to do:

1. Training.

Pistachios are clean (if they are in the shell), wash and dry in the oven at a temperature of 100-140C on convection mode to crisp.

If you use ready dried/roasted nuts, dry again not necessary.

Soak the cashews in advance at least 2 hours in clean water to potable water. Before cooking, drain the water and rinse the nuts.

2. Basis.

Grind in a blender all the ingredients for the bottom layer. Usually 2-3 bike, and enough. The mixture should be sticky and hold its shape. If it crumbles – add another date.

Grease the molds with coconut/olive oil or lay in the bottom of the form baking paper or cling film, place and tamp nutty mass.

3. Filling.

Mix in a blender all the ingredients for the cashew layer. Try it, add more sugar or lemon juice if necessary. Knock the nuts to the consistency of cream.

Put the nut cream on the base, flatten and put in the freezer.

All the ingredients for the raspberry layer punch in a blender until smooth and place in a form, when the nut layer has hardened a bit. It’s about 20-30 minutes of freezing.

4. Decoration. A handful of pistachios crush up the crumbs and sprinkle over raspberry layer, then remove the dessert for 3-4 hours (or overnight) in the freezer until hardens.

5. Feed.

To get dessert you need 30-40 minutes before serving. After the end of that time slice, and there are even later. Take the time dessert needs to be cold, but not frozen, so reveal all the flavors. Can decorate it further, such as raspberries.

Important. The knife I recommend to hold it under hot water, wipe and then cut the cake. And I really love 1 time to cut the finished cake, and then just to get it out of the freezer and serving pieces. Very convenient.

I wish gastronomical pleasure!

Low carb sugar free pumpkin/apple pancakes

Traditional pancakes, I prefer to replace Apple, pumpkin, plum, carrot etc. the Principle of this recipe is similar to the cookie recipe, which I make based on Apple, carrot and pumpkinpuree.

Feature of such dishes is the inclusion in the diet more fruits/vegetables and the ability to cook them without added sugar due to the natural sweetness of fruit.

The recipe for pumpkin pancakes (about 20-25 pieces with a diameter of 8-10cm):


Whole wheat flour – 100-120 g of tsz or 50/50 wheat with buckwheat flour (General flour you can and should experiment, but then its scope may vary),

Milk 250-300 ml (any, but very tasty with coconut low-fat),

Puree of pumpkin – 300 g

Egg – 3 PCs.,

Coconut oil (you can substitute any vegetable oil that you like) – 2 tbsp.

Salt – 0,5 tsp,

Ground vanilla – 1 tsp or seeds of half a vanilla pod

Cinnamon – 3 tsp,

Ground ginger 0.5 tsp.,

Nutmeg – 0.5 tsp.,

Optional zest of half an orange and half a lemon.

Spices can add any of your own. Pumpkin is very good combination of cardamom and star anise, but I don’t use them.

How to do it.

1. Pumpkin puree.

Pumpkin wash, cut in half, remove the seeds (you can leave them and very tasty bake), put the skin down and bake in the oven without adding anything. Clean the pumpkin, you can either a tablespoon, scooping the flesh straight from the rind or hands to tear off the thin skin, it depends on the variety. After that the pulp need slenderite into a puree. If required can add water. Puree the consistency should resemble very thick cream.

Also, the pumpkin can be done steamed or saute in a small amount of water and then punch in a blender. I usually bake a lot of pumpkin and then use it to make completely different meals.

2. In a blender to send pumpkin all ingredients except flour, punch and gradually add flour. Consistency should be like yogurt.

Keep in mind that if you experiment with other types of flour, the quantity will be different, do not overdo it. It is better to add gradually and watch for consistency.

Ideally, let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes, stir and then bake. This is necessary in order to test the developed gluten, which makes pastry more elastic. But if you don’t have the time to bake immediately. Especially if you use flour without gluten.

3. Fry in a pan with good nonstick coating. The pan well to heat, and then fry on a medium heat. The first batch with a drop of oil, then on a dry pan.

On the first side to fry until the pastry top is not dry, and the pancake safely, it will be easy perevernutyi on the second side for 1-2 minutes until tender.

It is important each time to stir the dough before sending the crepe in the pan. If this is not done by the end of the bake the dough on the bottom will be very tough. Pancakes are different in texture.

4. Feed.

Insanely delicious to serve these pancakes with cream cheese/sour cream/Greek yogurt and nuts pecans/walnuts, a little watering them with maple syrup and sprinkled with cinnamon. Or hazelnuts with honey instead. Well, very tasty!

But most of all I love these pancakes warmed up. Usually bake a lot at once in the evening. Part frozenand part is heated in the oven in the morning and is served as described above)

The fact that my recipe is very little flour in this recipe and the pancakes turn out a bit first. But if you give them soak overnight, then reheated, they will be just perfect. High fruits and vegetables, at least flour. Like pancake, eat, and like or not;)

If you eat the pancakes right away, I recommend them after roasting bake for 5-7 minutes at 180C, but this is optional.

The recipe for Apple pancakes (about 20-25 pieces with a diameter of 8-10cm):

Everything is by analogy with a recipe for pumpkin pancakes, but instead of pumpkin puree, I use fresh sour-sweet apples, peeled carefully from the skin, veins and seeds, and spices, use salt, vanilla and cinnamon, plus a handful of raisins. Raisins can not put, but it turns out just incredibly cool!

That is, the ingredients for Apple pancakes will be as follows:

Whole wheat flour – 100-120 g of tsz or 50/50 wheat with buckwheat flour (General flour you can and should experiment, but then its scope may vary),

Milk – 300 ml (any, but very tasty with coconut low-fat),

Fresh peeled apples – 300 g

Egg – 3 PCs.,

Coconut oil (you can substitute any vegetable oil that you like) – 2 tbsp.

Salt – 0,5 tsp,

Ground vanilla – 1 tsp or seeds of half a vanilla pod

Cinnamon – 3 tsp,

A handful of raisins.

The cooking process is the same as the pumpkin pancakes (see above), all raisins should be put in the prepared dough is the latest and mix with your hands, but do not penetrate into the blender. It needs to remain whole.

Important. For this recipe you can make delicious waffles in a waffle iron if you have it;) it Turns easier and faster!

Cashew cake (vegan «cheesecake») with berries

About raw food vegan sweets I used to think about how and nut milk – it is very difficult and dreary, but in fact this cake is much easier to make than traditional cheesecake.

Cakes are best done in small forms (I have all 17 cm) for several reasons:

Because it is more convenient to cut the dessert, still from the freezer.

And the portions are small, just what you need, because hazelnut cake with dried fruit is a nutritious treat.

I will tell you a good formula for Kaka, and what are the ingredients in it are replaceable. So for this recipe you can prepare a great variety of delicious cakes for your taste.

The ingredients given for the shape (17 cm). If your shape is more or less proportional increase/decrease the amount of ingredients.

1. Shell:

1 Cup (a little less than 100g) dry roasted nuts (I roasted walnut). You can replace the hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, cashews or mixed nuts. In principle you can use any which you like.

3 Fig. You can substitute dried figs or other dried fruit, which will connect the walnut crumbs and not let it crumble.

A couple of pinches of sea salt. Salt perfectly accentuates the sweetness of the cake, it is no substitute in this case.

2. Filling:

1 Cup (a little more than 100g) raw cashews, soaked at least 2 hours (I soak overnight).

100 ml coconut milk. You can substitute coconut cream or mixture of cream with water.

2 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any other sweetener/dried fruit, which is eaten.

0.5 tsp. of ground vanilla or the seeds of 1 pod.

Juice of 1 small lemon (3-4 tbsp).

1/2 Cup blueberries or any other berries. You can use both fresh and frozen. Frozen berries need to thaw and drain excess juice.

3 tbsp (30 g) unrefined coconut oil. The oil you need to ensure that the cake kept its shape.

A couple of pinches of sea salt.

Optional 1 tbsp of lemon zest.


Everything that you like: berries, chocolate/vanilla sauce, nuts, etc.

How to do:

1. Training.

Nuts for the base wash and dry in the oven at a temperature of 100-140C on convection mode to crisp. I’m always at home to have been ready roasted nuts of different varieties, I use them for different dishes.

If you use ready dried/roasted nuts, dry again not necessary.

Soak the cashews in advance for clean water drinking. Before cooking, drain the water and rinse the nuts.

2. Basis.

Grind in a blender all the ingredients for the bottom layer. Usually 2-3 bike, and enough. The mixture should be sticky and hold its shape. If it crumbles – add another date.

Grease the molds with coconut/olive oil or lay in the bottom of the form baking paper or cling film, then place and tamp nutty mass.

3. Filling.

Mix in a blender all the ingredients for the second layer, in addition to berries. Try it, add more sugar or lemon juice if necessary. Knock the nuts to the consistency of cream.

2/3 of nut mass aside from blender in a bowl, to the remainder add the berries and run until smooth. Try again, add more sugar or lemon juice if necessary.

Put the berry layer to the substrate, flatten and put in the freezer. After 20-30 minutes, put on top of the remaining hazelnut cream.

Generally can alternate nut and berry cream in any order, or do something like the “Zebra”. Or even make just one pecan layer without the use of berries.

Decorate the dessert you want and put for 3-4 hours (or overnight) in the freezer until the cake is set.

4. Feed.

To get dessert you need 30-40 minutes before serving. After this time it should be cut, and there is also a little later. Take the time dessert needs to be cold, but not frozen, so he reveals all tastes.

Important. The knife I recommend to hold it under hot water, wipe and then cut the cake. And I really love 1 time to cut the finished cake and again put it in the freezer, and then just get pieces a La carte as needed, very handy!

Want an interesting experiment with fillings and gourmet pleasure!

Pumpkin carrot curry soup with coconut milk

This is probably one of my best soups, I really like it. Spicy, warming and insanely fragrant.

Ingredients for 3-4 servings.

For the soup:

300g pumpkin

300g carrots

This soup can be made only from carrots or only from pumpkin, but believe me their mix is a perfect combination of flavors;)

1-2 large onions

400 ml (1 can) coconut milk 1 tsp turmeric

1 tsp dry ginger or 30-50g fresh (grate)

2-3 tbsp. L. powder or pastes yellow curry

0.5-1 tsp cayenne pepper or to taste

1 tbsp ghee oil for frying vegetables (or vegetable for frying)

200-300 ml water / vegetable or chicken broth

Salt and pepper to taste.

For satiety and increase the amount of protein in the dish, you can add a couple of handfuls of White already cooked beans to the soup. The main thing is not to overdo it, and then the taste will not be so bright. But do not worry, it can be balanced by adding a little more spices;)

For submission:

1 lemon slice per serving

Cilantro leaves-a handful per 1 serving

Pumpkin seeds

How to do.

1. onions cut into cubes, pumpkin and carrots wash, peel and cut into small arbitrary pieces.

2. onions passeruem straight in a saucepan for soup in ghee oil until golden. After that, add ginger (if you use fresh) and fry for 1 minute, then add curry and turmeric, fry for another 1-2 minutes, then throw carrots and pumpkin to the onions, and fill everything with water/broth (it is necessary that the liquid covers the vegetables). Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the vegetables are ready.

3. as soon as the vegetables are softened, add a jar of coconut milk (leaving a little for decoration), dry ginger (if you use it) and hot pepper, and punch the soup with a blender until smooth. We try what happened and salt/pepper to taste. If necessary, add more water and spices. Once again whisk the soup, bring to a boil on low heat and immediately remove from the stove.

4. serve, drizzle with coconut milk or coconut cream, toss a pinch of pumpkin seeds or cilantro, and be sure to sprinkle with lemon juice. The soup is perfectly combined with rye grain bread. Very tasty!!!