Matcha latte (hot and cold options)

Matcha is the only green tea I dearly love. Of course, such tea requires ceremony and traditional use (brewing with warm water and whipping with a whisk), but many like to drink it with milk. I also like matcha latte, although the taste of tea is killed.

In general, the traditional recipe is basically the same everywhere you can google it, and lattes do everything in their own way. By trial I formed a simple but very tasty recipe.


* 0.75 tsp. matcha tea (half a spoonful is small, and the whole is strong),

* 50 ml. water, heated to 70C,

* 50 ml concentrated coconut milk (I like it best with Foco),

* 100 ml oat milk,

* Optional sweetener (best suited Jerusalem artichoke syrup).

Vegetable milk can also be taken in the following variants:

* 75 ml coconut milk + 75 ml water,

* 75ml Cedar milk + 75 ml of water.

The hot option:

1. Boil water to 70 C, No More, otherwise the tea will be bitter. If you do not have a thermometer on the kettle, just open it and let it stand for 20 minutes.

2. in a saucepan, heat coconut and oat milk to 70 C. If there is no thermometer, I touch it with my hand. Fleetingly with the edge of a finger – it should be warm, but not scalding.

3. Take a cup in which it will be convenient to whip tea (I have a wide and rather deep Cup), and pour tea there, I recommend doing this through a fine strainer so that there are no lumps in the drink. Next, pour 50 ml of warm water into a cup and whisk the tea until smooth and frothy. It does not necessarily need a special whisk, any that is convenient for you will do. Mechanical or electrical.

4. while the tea was being whipped, the milk was already hot. You can just pour it into the tea, stir and enjoy. But I still love foam, so I pour hot milk into a blender and whisk it at maximum speed for 1 minute, and only then pour it into a cup of tea. It turns out just a buzz! If desired, you can put a sweetener.

Express version (taste slightly different from long version): just heat the water and milk, put all the ingredients in a blender and whisk for 1 minute. Done)

The cold version:

The first step in the “hot version” is brewing tea. Heat the water to 70C, beat the tea with water, as described above. Then add cold milk, whisk all together until frothy. If desired, you can put a sweetener. Then pour the latte into a glass, add ice, let it cool a little, done!

I make ice from vegetable milk (wrote about it hereI recommend putting half of the ice from oat milk, half of the usual-from water. So that by the end of the match your drink is not too watery.

PS I highly recommend drinking tea without sweeteners. If the tea is quality, and the milk is delicious (mine oatmeal coconut has already indicated above), the water is good (without foreign odors), then the tea turns out very tasty and so. But if you still like sweeter, you can add a sweetener at the stage of whipping tea.

Cashew oat milk

I was inspired by a wonderful recipe Alphafoodie, experimented and brought his perfect formula of oat milk. To do a maximum of 10 minutes, not counting the stage of soaking nuts.


• 0.5 Cup of oatmeal long cooking

• 0.5 cups cashews (nuts give the drink a creaminess and richness),

• 3 cups water

• Salt, vanilla, other spices and sweetener – to your taste.

If the nuts you are eating, just put 1 Cup of oatmeal 3 cups of water.

How to do:

1. Wash cashews and soak in clean water for at least 2 hours.

2. Then washed cashews and put in blender, fill with water and punched until smooth. Only then put the dry(!) cereals and breaks them to almost all grinding, but not more than a minute, and then they begin to soak and give milk excessive mucous structure.

3. Thereafter, the mixture was first filtered into a clean container through a sieve. Then filter again through a nut milk bag, cheesecloth or kitchen towel is woven to a perfect consistency.

4. Now the milk you need to try and add spices to your taste. I usually rinse blender, return to the milk and punch it with spices.

5. The right will use this “milk” in the day of preparation, but I keep it in the fridge for up to 5 days. Shake before use.

2 minute raspberry thyme lemonade

Very fragrant, unusual and beautiful!


• 1 lemon,

• 2-3 handfuls of raspberries,

• A sprig of thyme,

• 2 liters of water of neutral taste, not mineral water with salts (I have 50/50 carbonated and plain water),

• Sweetener to taste,

• Ice.

How to do:

1. Wash raspberries, lemon, thyme. Peel the lemon peel with a knife straight to the lobules, so that there is no white part of the peel left, and the lemonade is not bitter. Set aside a few raspberries for serving. Put everything else in a blender, add 0.5 liters of still water and beat thoroughly.

2. Strain the mixture through a fine strainer or through a bag for nut milk. This is your lemonade concentrate.

3. Now add to it the remaining water and sweetener to taste. You may need less / more water than I have in the recipe, be guided by your taste. Add ice, set aside berries and enjoy.

Mango Lassi with coconut milk and lime

I love mango Lassi, but I do it on the classic recipe (with yogurt and milk), and on its own. The milk I use coconut and oatmeal, since they too emphasize the mango flavor and acidity make lime. Too cool lime combined with the coconut, and mango.


• 2 mangoes (400 g of pulp),

• 150 ml coconut milk (I use fat),

• 200 ml oat milk

• Sparkling water optional and to taste, to bring the beverage to the desired consistency

• Juice and zest of half a lime (if the lime is small, it is possible and entirely to use it).

Also in Lassi, add spices to your taste, it may be the cardamom, chili pepper, ginger, salt, saffron, turmeric, cinnamon, mint, sweetener. Personally, I either add nothing, or choose one of the spices in the mood and most often it is ginger.

How to do:

1. Mango wash, peel and cut into pieces. And then you can make a drink, adding some ice or frozen mango. I make Lassi from frozen mango pieces, because it is refreshingly cold and crisp, which I really like. Spread them on a Board or the lid of the plastic container and put in freezer for a couple of hours.

2. Then all the ingredients except the spices and water are placed in a blender, whisk for a minute. Then if necessary, add water/ice, spices to your taste. Add gradually and taste what happens. Whisk again and serve. Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon, ground cardamom, garnish with fruit pieces or ice cream.

Poppy seed milk

If you like poppy, that milk of the poppy will love it even more! In pure form it is for me too fragrant, but nand him are totally bomber cereals, ice cream, etc., and of meal you can make at least bomber poppy seed fillings for Swiss rolls (recipe here).

Make it as simple as nutty, but there are nuances. The proportions are all the same 1 to 4, and the technology is a little different.

Ingredients. Mac – 0.5 cups (about 70g.),

Water – 2 cups (500ml.),

2-3 dates,

A pinch of salt,

Vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom and other spices to taste. I really like the poppy seeds combined with cinnamon.

How to do it.

1. The poppy seeds to soak for at least 2-3 hours but preferably overnight. Water gently to drain to the domes get away with it in the sink.

2. In a blender put the poppy seeds, dates, salt, and pour water to cover the contents. Punching a couple of minutes. This is done in order to maximize the crush of the grain. If you pour the water all at once, the crushing process of the Mac will increase significantly.

3. Add a little more water and whisk until the mixture becomes white. Add all the water and knock the milk to the consistency of milk. I whip milk of the poppy for a long time, about 8 minutes. Try it, add dates and spices if necessary.

4. Milk strain. I have this kind of milk is filtered a couple of times to get it exactly without black inclusions. Cake not throws! It is possible to make the poppy filling, as I wrote above, and in General to use in any recipe with poppy seeds (sauce, cheesecake, smoothies).

Important 1. Store vegetable milk, homemade microbiologists do not recommend, because it is not subjected to heat treatment and can potentially contain pathogenic microflora, which quickly grows over time. That is, there is as lucky. I keep vegetable milk up to 3 days in a sealed container in the fridge, and while I was lucky.

Important 2. This kind of milk is stratified, so before use I recommend to give him a good shake.

How to make nut milk + nut pulp cookies recipe

I used to think that to make your own plant milk is very difficult, and possess these talents and sacred knowledge only for vegans.

And I thought, what do I need to buy a lot of nuts or seeds.

It turned out to be in 100500 times easier than to find in the store vegetable milk with normal composition.

For milk only needed nuts/seeds+water or peanut butter/Urbach+water, all other ingredients are optional. By the way, some look at the composition of the milk in the store, what it is that it long kept and had a presentation, was not stratified.

Getting down to business.

First, let’s talk about how to make milk from nuts, and in the end the post will write a basic recipe of milk from the finished peanut butter.

Vegetable milk made from raw nuts/seeds (almond, hazelnut, walnut, Brazil, pine, coconut, sesame, Chia, quinoa, flax, poppy, pumpkin seeds. Sunflower seeds etc) and grains (mostly rice and oatmeal).

I like nut milk, rather than milk from the grains, so the recipe will be on it.

Usually the following proportions: 1 Cup of nuts/seeds need 3-4 cups of water. How much water to use for cooking, so much milk and get.

1. You must first soak the nuts (I do it overnight).

2. In the morning the nuts are washed, optionally cleaned from the husk and mix in a blender with a small amount of water until all the nuts are not crushed, then add the remaining water and again everything a good whisk until homogenous.

I necessarily put in the milk, a pinch of sea salt, a tablespoon of Jerusalem artichoke syrup or 1-2 dates (natural, without glucose syrup and vegetable oil) and half a vanilla pod. A little sweetness and a pinch of salt is very cool sets off the flavor of nuts and vanilla appropriate to almost any kind of milk.

Also you can add cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger and other spices that you like.

If you will make milk the first time, I recommend you first do the “base” and then a pinch to add to the blender with your favorite spices and taste.

You can also experiment with the mix of nuts and seeds that are not charismatic to draw milk from the same species of nuts.

3. Once you’ve brought the milk to perfection, it is necessary to strain through cheesecloth or a towel, carefully pressing out the cake. It is possible to make almond flour or add to baked goods.

I immediately after straining the milk make him an Apple-oatmeal cookies. Send the meal back into the blender, throw back 3 peeled apples, 1st.l. cinnamon, 3 tbsp of any Urbach, vanilla and punched, then add 150-200g of oatmeal, leave to swell cereals and baked cookies, as indicated in the recipe.

If you plan to make vegetable milk, you can buy a special bag for straining.

That’s all! The milk is ready! If you don’t count soaking, then do 5 minutes.

Now, the recipe of peanut butter/Urbach:

Paste then replace the nuts, I soak and do not need to wait. Milk can be done in a few minutes.

To 1 Cup of water, I put about 1-2 tbsp of the pasta, all the other ingredients in the same proportions. You can add pasta gradually to achieve the desired saturation of milk. Punch everything in the blender, taste, add spices or Urbach if necessary, again strikes and try. And when the taste you like, then you’re done!

Important. Store vegetable milk, homemade is not recommended as it is not subjected to heat treatment and can potentially contain pathogenic microflora, which quickly grows over time. That is the ideal to drink it immediately. I at your own risk keep vegetable milk a couple of days in a covered container in the refrigerator.

This milk is suitable for vegans and those who have lactose intolerance, allergic to cow’s milk.

And I drink different milk (animal and vegetable) because I love to experiment with flavors and add variety to the diet. Vegetable milk I like to cook cereal, make Chia pudding, smoothies, shakes, ice cream and hot chocolate.

Homemade tarragon (without sugar)

This is not the store tarragon, which is a fluid vigorous colors with a ton of sugar. This divine, fragrant, refreshing summer drink. Actually one of my favorite soft drinks, and cook it for about 5 minutes.

You will need: 1 liter of mineral water, ice, 15 branches of tarragon, 1 lemon and lime. Optional 2-3st.l. the Jerusalem artichoke syrup or agave.

1. Tarragon wash, separate leaves from branches. We need only them. Unable to supply to leave a few little branches.

2. Lemon and lime wash, cut in half, cut a few discs to decorate the glasses, from the rest of the juice.

3. In the bowl of a blender pour half the water, add all the other ingredients. To penetrate 2-3 minutes. Try on acid-sweetness, add whatever feels necessary.

Strain the mixture through a very fine strainer or through cheesecloth. I filtered 2 times, so the drink will look more presentable;)

In this proportion the taste is very rich, then vary the saturation of the drink by adding water.

In a blender I mixed the water, then add carbonated water.

4. Serve with lots of ice, garnish with a sprig of tarragon, a slice of lemon or lime.

Sugar Free Lemonade

In the subject of the previous post;) If someone does not know how to make lemonade from lemons that life gives them, then I will tell you my favorite way.

Drink ingredients: water that you like, and fillers: lime, lemon (and other citrus fruits), fresh cucumber, mint, tarragon, Basil, ginger, berries, melon, watermelon, etc. etc.

The simplest and most frequent option I make (pictured) is with lemon, lime, mint and cucumber.

On 1 carafe (2l) I put:

• 2 fresh cucumbers,

• 1 lemon,

• 1 lime

• * 2-3 mint sprigs.

The proportions are conditional, I usually put on the eye or in the amount that is at home.

Wash everything, cut the cucumber with a vegetable peeler into thin plates, and tear the mint leaves a little. Cut the lemon and lime in half, cut off a few circles and the center of the fruit and set aside (they are needed for beauty). From the remaining “assholes” squeeze out the juice.

Put everything in a carafe, except for lemon circles (put them at the very end, so that the zest does not” upset ” the drink), add water to cover the ingredients and let the drink brew a little. Then mix, taste and add more water to taste. Then throw in the lemon slices and you’re done!

Banana-blueberry shake with honey and cinnamon

100 gr matsoni half a banana, 100 grams of frozen blueberries (can be replaced with cherries), 1 teaspoon of flower honey (can be replaced with any other sweetener or not at all) and half a teaspoon of cinnamon (it has all the zest, ingeniously reveals the flavor of the rest of the ingredients). Everything is in the blender, and the drink is ready.

Matzoni for me and yogurt, and kefir, and sour cream, I cook sauces based on it, and now milkshakes;)) I love it!