Buckwheat bowl with egg and tahini-soy mayonnaise + life hacks for cooking the buckwheat

The bowl is a deep dish in which you are quick, tasty and beautiful can combine correctly is a useful meal. Usually there is a portion of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, root vegetables), a serving of protein (legumes, tofu, mushrooms, meat, fish/seafood, poultry, cheeses, eggs), lots of vegetables/fruits (fresh or cooked) and some fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, nut pastes, olives, sauces based on oils).

The bowl can be very boring, and can be a work of art, it all depends on your imagination)) My crackaol simple, but very tasty. Love it for Breakfast, although for a light lunch/dinner is also a great option;)

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

• Boiled buckwheat, you can use any (you can substitute quinoa) – 3 tablespoons,

• 1 chicken egg

• Half an avocado,

• Mushrooms – 3-4 pieces (I have mushrooms),

• A small tomato or 4 cherry tomatoes,

• Balsamic cream (optional, but very recommend) – on the tomato a bit

• Truffle oil (optional but very recommend) – a bit on the mushrooms,

• A little lemon juice and olive oil – all to sprinkle on top (also optional)

• Salt/pepper/spices/herbs/sesame seeds – optional.

Also you can put cheese on it (cheese is particularly relevant) and any salad leaves. You can stew them together with the mushrooms. Spinach, for example, very suitable.

Ingredients for soy mayonnaise:

It is based on universal sauce Urbachwhere salt substitute for soy sauce.

• 3 tbsp tahini,

• 3 tbsp lemon juice/Apple cider or white wine vinegar,

• 1 tbsp olive oil,

• 1-2 tbsp soy sauce (depends on its type, place 1, then sample and add more if necessary),

• 1 clove of garlic, passed through a press (optional)

• 1 tsp miso paste (optional)

• 3 tablespoons of water (watch the consistency, add gradually),

• Pepper, to taste.

How to do:

1. Cooking buckwheat (roasted brown).

Tell method, and the number you define yourself, I usually cook 1 Cup, enough for 5-6 servings for this recipe.

Cereal to sort, wash carefully until clear water, drain in a colander, then spread on a heated pan and fry on medium heat stirring constantly. Buckwheat needs to dry completely and make amazing aromas. After that, switch off immediately. Roasting buckwheat subsequently makes it crisp and very flavorful.

While fried buckwheat boil water. 1.5 cups if you like a little al’dente grits, and 2 cups, if you like boiled groats, but not in porridge. I put 2 cups.

Then put the buckwheat in a heatproof dish with a lid, fill with water, throw a pinch of salt, cover and either cook it in the oven (I like that way), or on the stove.

If in the oven, then preheat it to 180C, put down the buckwheat for 15 minutes, then turn off the oven and wait until all water is absorbed in the rump (it’s 40 minutes – 1 hour). Perfect your buckwheat is ready.

If on the stove, then cook on very low heat for 20-25 minutes and then let it rest under a lid until all water is absorbed in the grits.

Cooking buckwheat (unroasted green).

Here is a slightly different story. Green, I would not be subjected to excessive heat treatment. The proportions of buckwheat and water are the same as for brown.

Sort, wash thoroughly (this affects the crispness of cereal), throw in a pot of salted water, bring to a boil, then cook on low heat under lid for 15 minutes until tender (in the process not to disturb), either immediately turn off and allow to swell by wrapping the pot with something warm. 30-40 minutes is enough.

The second method is more gentle to “living product”, but longer. Try both ways as you like.

If you have buckwheat cooked in advance, then reheat it in the microwave or on the stove in a saucepan, the bottom of which poured a little water. Fry the buckwheat should be on medium-high heat stirring occasionally, and long, so it is not much seethe.

2. Soy mayonnaise (I do for the future, it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for 3 days exactly).

Shake all the ingredients until smooth. I do it in a small jar in which he kept the last bit of sauce.

3. Prepare the remaining ingredients.

All my. Tomato and avocado slice. If you need to preserve the color avocado, then sprinkle it with lemon juice or lime juice.

Cook the egg either poached (recipe here), or in a bag (recipe here).

Mushrooms fry in a drop of oil on high heat so they get flavored crust. In the end, I add a little thyme, salt and freshly ground pepper. Also you can add mushrooms, onions, garlic, ginger, other herbs and spices. Cook mushrooms as you like, the main thing that it was delicious and combined with the remaining ingredients to the bowl.

4. Collect the bowl.

Buckwheat lay down, then 2 tbsp of mayonnaise (or how much your conscience will allow))), and on top of all the other ingredients, as in the photo. Tomatoes sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, mushrooms and truffle oil. Next, I love all pour a little juice of lemon/lime, but it is optional.

By the way, this dish is very easy to do from many people. Made of billet, and then just put in the number of plates, and quickly put everything away;)

Shakshuka of my dreams with goat cheese

I love shakshuka and I tried it in different places in different recipes. In the end, I have formed a very clear understanding of what needs to be shakshuka of my dreams) I love to do it with lots of vegetables (traditionally with tomatoes and onions and roasted sweet peppers), spicy and use a whole bunch of spices for diversity of taste. Served with warm bread and goat cheese, well at the very least simply with curd. It’s so delicious!

My recipe is a bit complex, but I describe a more simple version of it, so don’t be alarmed and definitely try to prepare.

Ingredients for shakshuka (serves 4):

• 8 chicken eggs or to taste,

• 800 g (2 cans) tomatoes in own juice/tomatoes Pilati, or 6-7 large fresh tomatoes

• 2 PCs. onions medium size,

• 2 pieces sweet red pepper (take large fleshy),

• 2-4 pieces hot chili pepper (depends on the variety of pepper or your love of spiciness), can be replaced by 0.5-2 tsp. ground dry chili pepper.

• 6 cloves of garlic,

• 2 tbsp tomato paste (optional to enhance the tomato flavor),

• 2 tbsp of sweetener (I have Jerusalem artichoke syrup),

• 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar (it’s not for acid, but for the taste, it is not necessary to substitute other types of vinegar),

• 2 tsp ground paprika,

• 0,5-1 teaspoon smoked paprika (optional, try first to do without, and then with paprika),

• 1 teaspoon of ground cumin,

• 1 tsp ground coriander,

• 1 tsp oregano/marjoram,

• 0.5 tsp. cumin,

• 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric,

• 2 Bay leaves,

• 2 gvozdichki,

• Salt and black pepper to taste.

Ingredients for serving:

• Goat cheese to taste (you can substitute cottage cheese, cheese, feta),

• Bread/pita (preferably freshly baked, or heated in the oven),

• Herbs (parsley, cilantro, chives, mint), I like a little bit of everything to add

• Olive oil to sprinkle on top (optional).

Also it can be very helpful in hummus, the babaganoush was or grilled eggplant with garlic, you get a very satisfying Breakfast or even lunch, and maybe dinner;)

How to do:

I recommend doing sosus to shakshuk for the future. Some days he just lie down in the refrigerator, it can freeze and then just heat, beat in your eggs and enjoy.

1. The first thing you need to roast a pepper. My it cut in half, remove the seeds and again opolaskivaniem to accurately remove all unnecessary. Put on a baking sheet cut down. Bake at 200 C to a strong tan markings. Then remove the pepper in an airtight container, allow to cool. While it cools, make shakshuka on, and then come back to it, remove the skin and cut the flesh in small dice.

I baked the pepper and not just put it to obzhivatjsya with a bow for two reasons: so the dish won’t be tough pepper skin from the grilled peppers taste so much richer and more interesting. If you lazy to bother, then skip this paragraph and go directly to step 2.

2. Now prepare all the other ingredients. Onion peel and cut into small dice, chili pepper clean away the veins and seeds, the garlic, peel and punch in a blender along with red chilli in the paste. If blender will not cope, add a bit of tomato. If no blender, then finely chop the pepper, and the garlic through a garlic crusher.

If you decided not to roast sweet peppers, then wash it well from extra cleaned, cut into small-small cubes and fry together with the onion (see p. 3).

3. On a small amount of vegetable oil fry the onion with the Bay leaf and cloves to a caramel shade. It should not be burnt, but cooked should not be, so do everything on medium heat, do not hurry.

4. Then take out the cloves and throw out, and to the onions add the tomato, garlic, chili, cumin, coriander, cumin, turmeric and fry while stirring until the appearance of a garlic flavor (about 30 seconds), then add to the roasted peppers and tomatoes. Stir and tormented over medium heat stirring occasionally until the sauce is well thickened (about 20 minutes, maybe more).

5. When the sauce is ready, take out a Bay leaf and stock, and add the remaining spices (paprika, oregano, salt, pepper, Apple cider vinegar and sweetener). Try and balance the taste that was sharp enough to your taste, spicy and definitely not sour. Should be so delicious that you’ll want to eat the sauce already in this form. If so, then he is ready.

Important. Keep in mind that cheese and eggs slightly soften the taste, so it needs to be a little too much.

6. Make sauce of deepening and break them on the egg without damaging the egg yolk. Can leave it as is, or stir in a little protein to the sauce, and the yolk mix if you like. I love the whole yolk and stir with the sauce for a protein. Cook eggs on medium heat until whitening of the protein, the yolk should remain liquid. I recommend to cover the pan to make it happen faster.

Important. If you use cheese or hard cheese, then cut it into cubes and fold into the sauce, and then break in your eggs.

7. Serve shakshuka, posypav chopped herbs and a sprinkle of fragrant olive oil with a spoonful of cottage cheese goat cheese and warm bread. There are highly recommend by hand(!). Take a piece of bread and it as a spoon to scoop the egg with a spicy sauce and cheese. Just fly away!

Mind-blowing Shawarma with falafel

This dish is perfect for parties because it can be requested to procure parts and then just twist Shawarma with ease.

You need to prepare the babaganoush was, hummus, falafel with yogurt sauce (click on a word and go to the recipes).

You will also need: pita bread, lettuce, any what like, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, red cabbage, if you like red sweet onions. It is good to wash. Lettuce and onion slice, carrot and cabbage finely shred. Tomatoes to cut and it is desirable to remove the seeds to reduce the moisture. Cucumbers cleaned and cut into strips.

How to make Shawarma:

1. Preheat the grill pan well, or a regular non-stick pan, preferably with a thick bottom. I put the fire 7 of 9.

2. While it heats, take the pita, spread the entire surface of the yogurt sauce, leaving a clean distant edge, so that when you minimize the sauce does not leak outside of the gyro.

3. Next, put some lettuce and other vegetables, then spread a thick strip of babaganush, hummus, put in a row falafel, pour more yogurt sauce and turn the Shawarma more elastic.

I edge not wrapped on the sides, the filling is in principle not particularly falls. You do as you wish. Plus, at its discretion, can add tomato sauce, hot sauce, who he loves. But I have such a recipe, no extra sauces, because then all the ingredients are pretty spicy.

4. Put the Shawarma in a very heated pan and fry until crisp lavash with 2 sides. If you have a grill pan, the pita bread should appear Golden stripes.

5. When ready put in a plate, cut in half and enjoy the juicy Shawarma. Well, it turns out very tasty!

The perfect sauce for kebabs of tomatoes and mountains of greens

Without this sauce, the kebab is not a kebab!

Usually kebab is served with vegetables (often tomatoes) and herbs, but not all are ready to eat just tomatoes and a bunch of greens, and a sauce all leaves at the moment. Solid benefits and an incredible bouquet of flavors.


  • 1 package of tomato trade winds (300-400 ml), I have a Pomi or Muttior 3 large and very sweet tomato
  • Any greens you love about 300-400g, I have this:
  • 3 bulky green onions,
  • Small bunches of parsley, coriander, Basil,
  • A few sprigs of dill and thyme,
  • Leaves 2-3 twigs of tarragon
  • Salt/pepper to taste
  • Optionally you can add sweetener (I add), and 1-2 tbsp of tomato paste for richness of tomato flavor (I didn’t add).

How to do:

Very simple! All wash, dry, finely chop and mix with tomatoes. Mix well, taste and add spices to taste.

If using fresh tomatoes, do they cross-cut, put in boiling water for 30 seconds, remove the skin and grate them. Ideally, if you remove the seeds, leaving only the tomato pulp.

I prefer to make this sauce thick trade winds because it is more rich in taste and thick. A fresh tomato can be cut into small pieces and add to sauce. Ridding it from skin and remove seeds.

This sauce is like everyone, even who does not eat greens, and loves store-bought ketchup;)

Mouth-watering and nutritious salad with chickpeas, avocado and vegetables with tahini-dressing

This salad besides the awesome flavor and very hearty, it can be just a full lunch or dinner.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

A pair of elastic handfuls salad leaves (leaves beet tops, or Kale for a good fit),

1 avocado (very ripe, to it the salad was prevratilos in the sauce),

10-12 cherry tomatoes (regular tomatoes will not work, because they give a lot of moisture, and there is no need),

1 small red onion/shallots,

Two handfuls of cooked chickpeas (how to cook chickpea wrote here),

Leaves 10 twigs cilantro,

For the filling will need at 3st.l. tahini, lemon juice, olive oil.

In this salad you can also add cooked beets, grated carrots, quinoa and all it’s delicious base with which you can experiment;)

How to do it.

1. All to be washed. Kale you should massage (detailed instructions here). If you have beet greens, and she’s heavy and hard, it is also possible to mash 1 tbsp olive oil.

2. Onion cut into small cubes and marinate in a tablespoon of wine/balsamic/Apple cider vinegar while you chop everything else.

3. Avocado peel and cut into large dice. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Avocado, tomatoes, chickpeas, cilantro, and onion together with the vinegar and add to the salad bowl to the salad leaves.

4. Dressing. Mix all ingredients for filling until smooth, then season with salt/pepper to taste. The mass will be thick, that’s okay – the juice of the tomatoes will dilute the dressing to the desired consistency, but if you want the sauce to bring to the desired consistency with water.

5. Add the sauce to the salad, gently mix everything. Add more salt and pepper if needed and enjoy;)

Tomato soup with roasted peppers and chorizo

Coolest tomato soup and peppers with a secret ingredient. It can be done without the pepper, and feeds him a great multitude – not necessarily with merguez.

Ingredients for soup:

Tomatoes – 1-1.5 kg (1.5 kg if you make the soup without pepper). It is better to take fleshy, such as the variety “plum”, or replace them with Italian tomatoes in their own juice, especially if not the season. You need about 800g-1000g.

The usual onion/leeks – 2 PCs.

Carrot – 100-150g (+optional 1 stick of celery)

Bulgarian pepper – 3 pieces

Chilli – 2pcs (you can substitute 1 tsp. Cayenne pepper)

Garlic – 2 tooth.

Basil – 1 branch (or 1 tbsp dry)

Parsley/onion Zeleny (for submission) – 1 pooch.

Worcestershire sauce (my secret ingredient) – 2st.l.

Balsamic vinegar – 1 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup (optional) – 1 tbsp

Paprika (optional) – 1H.l.

Turmeric (optional) – 1H.l.

Salt/pepper to taste.

For satiety and increase the amount of protein in the dish, you can add a couple of handfuls of white already cooked beans to the soup. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the taste will not be so bright. But don’t worry, it can be balanced by adding a little more spice;)

Ingredients for topping:

Chorizo sausage, or cheese ricotta/“quick Breakfast” in any quantity which you want.

Ingredients for croutons:

Bread, butter (olive or ghee), garlic, parsley.

How to do:

1. Bake sweet pepper.

My peppers, get rid of all the excess, cut in half, place skin up on grill mode in the oven before charring the skins. Take out, put in a sealed container, allow to cool and then easily remove the skin.

While the peppers baked you can manage to do everything else.

2. Preparation of tomatoes.

Tomatoes wash, make the skin cruciform incision, pour boiling water to fully submerged, and after 5 minutes they also peel them. Then cut into arbitrarily and personally I put them in a colander to drain excess moisture.

3. Onion, Chile pepper (seeds removed), celery and carrots wash, peel, cut arbitrarily and fry in the oil for frying (I have MCE) live in a pot for soup (I have 3l. a steel pan) until Golden, then add chopped garlic, stir briefly and once we get the aroma, add sliced tomato, roasted red pepper, Basil leaves and simmer for another 5 minutes.

4. Pushing the soup immersion blender or pour into a bowl and bring it to the desired consistency with water or vegetable/beef broth (to your taste). Personally, I do not add liquid – like thick soup. Now the most interesting – gradually put all the spices and bring the soup to your perfect spice.

Optionally you can add up to 100ml of milk or 10% cream, they will taste a little different. You can try on a small batch of soup as you like.

In the end the soup again, bring to the boil and switch off immediately.

5. Toast. To make French toast (4 slices), chop 1-2 cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of parsley butter. Oil need enough to lightly grease the croutons. Place bread on a baking sheet, and roast in the oven for a few minutes. Ideally, these toast more Parmesan to sprinkle, wheee

Either Express option is to toast the bread in the toaster and while it is hot, brush with garlic butter croutons.

Optionally they can be watered balsamic cream.

6. Chorizo. Cut into rings and fry both sides until it will turn brown. No need to hope that the rings are evenly cooked through if you put them randomly. Better store them properly and rotate one at a time. Drawn from the sausage fat in the soup do not recommend to put, lightly blot it with paper towels.

7. Feed. Soup pour into a bowl, sprinkle chorizo and/or cheese (very tasty this soup is served with a “quick Breakfast” and a small amount of Parmesan cheese), sprinkle with parsley and enjoy the taste of summer!

Salad with quinoa, vegetables, mushrooms and cottage cheese

All of us sometimes too lazy/have no time to cook but want to eat right now and preferably useful. This dish is a tasty and convenient option. Like all without exception, even those who don’t like certain ingredients;)

This salad designer, it can put quite a diverse set of products, so I will describe rather than prescription, and technology and list of ingredients.


Binding: quinoa, sweet tasty tomatoes, ripe avocado, salad mix/spinach, lemon juice/balsamic vinegar, olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground pepper.

Optional: cream cheese/feta/goat cheese, any kind of mushrooms (I usually stir-fry them with the onions until it will turn brown), roasted vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, broccoli, etc.), sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs (especially parsley appropriate here), various nuts and seeds, herbs (Basil, Italian, thyme).


I often make blanks for this salad for a few days, then for 2 minutes to prepare it at any time.

Quinoa is best to cook a little less time (cooking time for each specific type of seeds look on the package), so she definitely kept the form for a few days. This is true more for white quinoa. Inarenou cereal I keep in the fridge up to 3 days. Can mix it with a small amount of vegetable oil, so it does not stick together.

I cook quinoa as directed on the package, since the method of cooking depends on the variety.

But usually so: thoroughly wash barley, soak it for at least 30 minutes or for a few hours, the seeds swelled, and trash spil, and it can be removed with running water. And most importantly, even after a short soaking, the quinoa will taste bitter.

Then fill it with water in a ratio of 1к2, bring to boil and cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. The idea is all the water should soak into the grains, if this has not happened, and the quinoa is tender, simply drain it in a colander.

Vegetables I usually bake a lot. They can always be used in such salads, as a garnish in sandwiches. Recipe baked vegetables wrote here.

Mushrooms also fry a whole pan, because they are also great for many dishes: for Breakfast from eggs, to sandwiches, to pizza, to pasta.


For 1 serving, I usually put half an avocado, a handful of salad mix/spinach, 5 cherry tomatoes, no more than 100g. prepared quinoa 1-2 tbsp mushrooms, cheese, roasted vegetables, greens, sun-dried tomatoes, lemon juice/balsamic. Salt/pepper/nuts/herbs to taste. Oil sometimes do not add if it is enough of roasted vegetables and mushrooms. Mix everything and eat.

And such food can be taken by wrapping the salad in a rice paper in spring rolls. Very happy with it!

Umami tomato-anchovy appetizer

I put together this dish the most delicious, just a storehouse of the minds;)

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

1 sweet fragrant tomato,

1-2 tbsp pesto (my pesto recipe here),

1 tbsp sliced sweet juicy red onion or shallot (optional)

3-5 anchovies, canned in oil (do NOT substitute salt such as sprat),

1 tbsp grated Parmesan, a good flavorful Italian Parmesan

Salt and pepper to taste

To serve: slice your favorite bread, olive oil, balsamic, capers, and Basil.

How to do:

1. Tomatoes wash, remove stalk, cut into rings, place on a plate and little desire to season with salt and pepper. A bit as all the other ingredients are pretty spicy, do not overdo it.

2. Randomly put on top of pesto, then leave sweet onions, lay out the anchovies (they can be divided in half or into several parts, but as whole they look more aesthetically pleasing), completes the composition with a topping of Parmesan cheese. Then sprinkle the dish with olive oil and balsamic cream. Can put a little capers and Basil leaves.

3. Serve immediately with a fried piece of delicious bread, which I recommend dipping in the formed on a plate the juices from the tomatoes mixed with olive oil and oil from the anchovies and balsamic vinegar.

This appetizer can be made in the form of bruschetta. The ingredients are all the same, only they are laid out on fried bread, and in a slightly different order: bread, then pesto, then tomatoes, onion, anchovies, Parmesan, oil and balsamic vinegar. Capers and Basil – optional.

Salad «Summer»

Country, because it is traditionally made from what’s growing in the garden. It is the most delicious of the milk and frisée lettuce, small cucumbers with a thin skin and almost no seeds, with herbs and sweet onions plucked before cooking.

Those who have country trophies no, don’t worry, summer is on sale. Will not be as fragrant, but still cool.

The ingredients are very simple:

A generous bunch of salad leaves (I usually have a lettuce or a mix of frisee).

2-3 cucumber.

15 cherry tomatoes or 2-3 medium tomatoes. Tomatoes should be meaty. Either they need to cut and allow to drain the juice.

2 stalks of green onions.

About 3st.l. sour cream. Sour cream here is thick. Not necessarily greasy, but it is thick in consistency.

Any herbs to taste. I like to add parsley, cilantro, garlic leaves. By the way, the radishes here too. Salt and pepper to taste.

How to do:

1. The hardest part of this salad is to wash, sort and dry the salad leaves. The fact that in the summer salad come across a lot of the soil (when the rain comes, then it inevitably falls on the leaves), and these types of salads are very fond of slugs. But from all this you need to very carefully get rid of, and then no less than thoroughly dry the salad.

I wash all the ingredients in advance to vegetables and herbs exactly dry. This is important because the salad is delicious precisely when there is no excess moisture.

2. Then everything is very simple. Grind ingredients and mix with sour cream, salt, pepper. Serve with rye bread is better.

Experience an indescribable joy and completely lift the mood of this salad in the cooking process. These flavors, freshness, mmm! Summer is summer ☀

Chili con carne + vegan options

This is a simple hearty Mexican dish, and it becomes interesting when you pick up your perfect set of spices and serve it correctly.

Doing it is very simple. My recipe is:

1. in oil for frying (I have ghee in a deep frying pan/cauldron/saucepan over medium heat, fry 2 medium onions, 2 sweet peppers, 2-6 Chili Peppers (depending on the sharpness of the particular chili variety), cut into small cubes. From all peppers seeds must be removed.

Important 1. Chili Peppers can be replaced with 1 tsp cayenne pepper. Dry seasoning is much easier to regulate the sharpness, but with fresh peppers it is more flavorful. I recommend when first preparing this dish to add 2 fresh chili peppers and if necessary balance the taste with cayenne pepper. Subsequently, you can already adjust the degree of sharpness to your taste.

Important 2. I fry a little salt, so that the vegetables quickly give their juices and really fry, and do not languish.

2. as soon as the roast has become golden with a light brown, add 3-4 crushed garlic cloves, stir intensively, fry for 30 seconds until a bright garlic flavor and immediately add 500-700 g of ground beef, 1-2 tsp sweet paprika and 1 tsp cayenne pepper (if you use it instead of fresh chili peppers). Mince fry until brown, stirring constantly and breaking lumps.

For the vegan version, immediately after the garlic, go to step 3, and add tomatoes, vegetable broth and all the specified spices.

3. as soon as the minced meat is ready, add 200-300 ml. beef broth, chopped tomatoes (4-5 PCs.), peeled, and 2 tsp. marjoram/oregano. Mix everything, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Important 1. fresh tomatoes can be replaced with 1 can (400 g) canned in its own juice or tomanoy passata. These are even better to use when not in season.

Important 2. instead of broth, you can put a couple more large tomatoes or even water, but this is a less tasty option.

4. then add 200-300 g of boiled red beans (how to Cook described in recipe lobio).

For the vegan version, you need 2 times more beans, you can use 50/50 red and white for a change.

Important 1. If you are too lazy to cook beans, then you can put frozen beans or washed canned beans (1 can of 400 g), but canned food usually uses a lot of salt and refined sugar. In short, see the composition.

Important 2. at this stage, you can also put corn, if you like (about 200 g, for the vegan version – 300g). Again, fresh, frozen or canned with a normal composition (without sugar).

Mix everything, then cook for 5 minutes, try for spices and add salt, pepper and what is missing. If the tomatoes are very sour, then I put 2-3 tbsp. L. Jerusalem artichoke syrup. With sweetness, tomatoes get a more elegant taste.

Important 3. in chili also put cumin, cinnamon, cumin, even cocoa. You can play with the taste if you like these spices.

The dish can be considered ready, but it can still be cooked depending on what consistency you want. I prefer something between chowder and fried mince. Keep in mind that when cooling, the liquid will evaporate significantly. That is, the next day so much sauce will not be, do not overdo it.

When ready, ideally, let the chili brew, at least 10 minutes, but it tastes better the next day anyway)

5. My ideal serving: put hot chili in portions in bowls, serve homemade tortillas or nachos, sour cream, guacamole, grated cheddar, chopped cilantro and lime slices on a common table.

And here are the three best ways to eat it:

1. Take tortilla. heat it in a dry frying pan, if it is cold, then put the chili in it, on top sour cream, guacamole (the recipe is here), sprinkle with cheese and cilantro, and sprinkle generously with lime. Take a bite of a scalding taco and get into a gastronomic paradise;)))

2. tortilla cut into segments, dry in a frying pan until crispy, you will get nachos chips. On top of a portion of chili spread a little sour cream/guacamolesprinkle with cheese and cilantro, and sprinkle generously with lime. Eat while scooping up the spicy contents of the plate with crispy nachos. High!

3. Eat as a burrito. Chili, a handful of grated cheese, half an avocado, cut into strips, chopped cilantro and a little sour cream wrap in a large tortilla or pita bread. Fry on all sides in a dry frying pan, serve with lime, the juice of which is squeezed out as it bites into the filling. Bon Appetit!

P.S. the recipe for homemade cakes here.