Baked eggplant with white beans and goat cheese

Delicate combination of the pulp of the eggplant and white beans, tart taste of goat cheese and the flavors of Oriental spices. In General, all who love the babaganoush was also hummus, this salad will like it too;)

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:

• 480 g cooked white beans (or 2 cans),

• 4-5 eggplants,

• Goat cheese is cottage cheese – about 200 grams or to taste

• 4 cloves of garlic through a press (you can put in 2 times more if you love garlic, it is here to the place),

• Juice of 2 lemons (one lemon for salad dressing and the second for sbryzgivaniya when applying),

• Zest of 1 lemon (optional, try with and without, as more like it),

• Bunch fresh cilantro,

• A few stems of mint (optional)

• Pinch chili pepper

• 6 tbsp olive oil (4 in the salad and 2 on top water),

• Ground cumin – 1 tsp or to taste

• Coriander powder – 1 tsp or to taste

• Dry oregano spice – 1 tsp,

• Salt/pepper to taste

• Optional ground sweet paprika and sumac to serve,

• Hot Pitta or pita bread for eating salad is highly recommended!

How to do:

1. Cook the beans (detailed instructions in the recipe lobio). Cooking time on the packaging look beans because it strongly depends on the variety. Usually white beans longer than 40 minutes to cook is not necessary, only if you plan to do with it dip or sauce.

2. Bake the eggplant.

Eggplant wash, prick with a fork or knife in several places and bake whole or on the fire or in the oven at 180C for about 30 minutes until soft and it will turn brown skins.

Important. If you don’t make holes in the skin of the eggplant, it will explode. I’ve been through this, you don’t want;)

Let them cool down to avoid burns, and remove the skin or cut in half and with a spoon remove the pulp. Chop it coarsely.

3. Prepare the remaining ingredients.

Wash the garlic, greens, lemons. Grind the garlic, grate the zest from 1 lemon and squeezing the juice out of it, mint leaves and cilantro cut into.

4. In a bowl, mix beans, garlic, juice of 1 lemon and zest, 4 tbsp olive oil, cumin, coriander, oregano, Chile. Then add the eggplant and two-thirds of all greens (the rest will decorate when serving), stir gently, add salt and pepper to taste. Try again, adjust the taste. You can eat at once, you can steep for 20-30 minutes.

5. It is very important to file because it affects the final taste of a dish.

Spread the salad on a plate, top casually crumble goat cheese, add some herbs, paprika, sumac, sprinkles olive oil and juice of a large lemon slices, enjoy;)))

Beet pancakes (you can make either sweet with chocolate and peanuts, or with salty goat cheese, balsamic cream and walnuts)

You still make pancakes from just flour, then I go to you))) These babies bombyces delicious all by themselves, and with the toppings – it’s just mind-blowing. The amazing thing is that they are mostly consist of it is from beets.

I already have shared the post about the other fruit and vegetable pancakes, but about these I decided to write separately to all of them noticed and tried)))

The recipe is about 20-25 pieces with a diameter of 8-10cm (chocolate, it turns out chickpeas on 7 more, since the ut more ingredients).

Ingredients base:

• Whole wheat flour – 100-120 g of tsz or 50/50 wheat with buckwheat flour (General flour you can and should experiment, but then its scope may vary),

• Water – 250-300 ml (any, but very tasty with coconut low-fat),

• Baked/boiled beet – 300 g

• Eggs – 3 PCs.,

• 3 dates, pitted,

• Vegetable oil (any neutral flavor) – 2 tbsp.

• Salt – 0.5 tsp., (try the first batch of pancakes and add salt if necessary).

This can stop, but I suggest + two variations of these same pancakes.

Additional ingredients for chocolate pancakes:

• 2-4 tbsp of cocoa (look at your taste, I love everything and more))) is direct too many do not put – will taste bitter.

• 2 tamarind or to taste

• Approximately 70 ml of milk,

• Ground vanilla – 1 tsp or seeds of half a vanilla pod

• Cinnamon – 1 tsp,

• Ground ginger – 0.5 tsp.,

• Optional zest of half an orange,

• Optional can also knead the chocolate chips, raisins or other dried fruits, but do not overdo it, pancakes and the “base” is very tasty. These ingredients contribute to the finished dough at the end.

The ripe bananas is needed here (I highly recommend them fry until brown in a drop of oil) and roasted peanuts/peanut butter for feeding or any other nuts you like. Another excellent these blinci serve with mascarpone and cherry jam.

Important point. Their beautiful chocolate color and flavor is evident after roasting, don’t worry about what color and Arat beet test again.

Additional ingredients for the cheese pancakes:

• 2 cloves of garlic (or 0.5 tsp. of dry ground garlic),

• A few leaves of purple Basil (or 0.5 tsp. dried),

• Black pepper and Cayenne pepper – pinch,

• 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar

• A few roasted walnuts, goat cheese and balsamic cream to serve.

Also these pancakes can be served with pickled herring and thinly sliced green Apple, and a boiled tongue and horseradish. I mean, remember what beets goes well and feel free to use pancakes instead.

If you do not like some spice, do not use.

How to do it.

1. Bake the beets.

Wash beets, wrap in parchment and bake for 50-60 minutes at 180C. Speed of cooking depends on the size of the roots, after 40 minutes pierce with a big fruit with a sharp knife if it is without crackle, and a Herculean effort – beets are ready. Let it cool and then you can clean. Cleaned recommend over a sink or bowl with water, so as not to paint all around;)

2. In blender the beet sending all ingredients except flour, punch and gradually add flour. Consistency should be like liquid yogurt.

Keep in mind that if you experiment with other types of flour, the quantity will be different, do not overdo it. It is better to add gradually and watch for consistency.

Ideally, let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes, stir and then bake. This is necessary in order to test the developed gluten, which makes pastry more elastic. But if you don’t have the time to bake immediately. Especially if you use flour without gluten.

3. Fry in a pan with good nonstick coating. The pan well to heat, and then fry on a medium heat. The first batch with a drop of oil, then on a dry pan.

On the first side to fry until the pastry top is not dry, and the pancakes quietly, you can easily flip to the second side for 1-2 minutes until tender.

It is important each time to stir the dough before sending the crepe in the pan. If this is not done by the end of the bake the dough on the bottom will be very tough. The first and last pancakes are different in texture.

4. Feed.

You can serve them immediately, but most of all I love these pancakes warmed up. Usually bake a lot at once in the evening. Part is frozen and part is heated in the oven in the morning and is served as described above)

The fact that my recipe is very little flour in this recipe and the pancakes turn out a bit first. But if you give them soak overnight, then reheated, they will be just perfect. High fruits and vegetables, at least flour. Like pancake, eat, and like or not;)

If you eat the pancakes right away, I recommend them after roasting bake for 5-7 minutes at 180C, but this is optional.

Shakshuka of my dreams with goat cheese

I love shakshuka and I tried it in different places in different recipes. In the end, I have formed a very clear understanding of what needs to be shakshuka of my dreams) I love to do it with lots of vegetables (traditionally with tomatoes and onions and roasted sweet peppers), spicy and use a whole bunch of spices for diversity of taste. Served with warm bread and goat cheese, well at the very least simply with curd. It’s so delicious!

My recipe is a bit complex, but I describe a more simple version of it, so don’t be alarmed and definitely try to prepare.

Ingredients for shakshuka (serves 4):

• 8 chicken eggs or to taste,

• 800 g (2 cans) tomatoes in own juice/tomatoes Pilati, or 6-7 large fresh tomatoes

• 2 PCs. onions medium size,

• 2 pieces sweet red pepper (take large fleshy),

• 2-4 pieces hot chili pepper (depends on the variety of pepper or your love of spiciness), can be replaced by 0.5-2 tsp. ground dry chili pepper.

• 6 cloves of garlic,

• 2 tbsp tomato paste (optional to enhance the tomato flavor),

• 2 tbsp of sweetener (I have Jerusalem artichoke syrup),

• 1 tbsp Apple cider vinegar (it’s not for acid, but for the taste, it is not necessary to substitute other types of vinegar),

• 2 tsp ground paprika,

• 0,5-1 teaspoon smoked paprika (optional, try first to do without, and then with paprika),

• 1 teaspoon of ground cumin,

• 1 tsp ground coriander,

• 1 tsp oregano/marjoram,

• 0.5 tsp. cumin,

• 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric,

• 2 Bay leaves,

• 2 gvozdichki,

• Salt and black pepper to taste.

Ingredients for serving:

• Goat cheese to taste (you can substitute cottage cheese, cheese, feta),

• Bread/pita (preferably freshly baked, or heated in the oven),

• Herbs (parsley, cilantro, chives, mint), I like a little bit of everything to add

• Olive oil to sprinkle on top (optional).

Also it can be very helpful in hummus, the babaganoush was or grilled eggplant with garlic, you get a very satisfying Breakfast or even lunch, and maybe dinner;)

How to do:

I recommend doing sosus to shakshuk for the future. Some days he just lie down in the refrigerator, it can freeze and then just heat, beat in your eggs and enjoy.

1. The first thing you need to roast a pepper. My it cut in half, remove the seeds and again opolaskivaniem to accurately remove all unnecessary. Put on a baking sheet cut down. Bake at 200 C to a strong tan markings. Then remove the pepper in an airtight container, allow to cool. While it cools, make shakshuka on, and then come back to it, remove the skin and cut the flesh in small dice.

I baked the pepper and not just put it to obzhivatjsya with a bow for two reasons: so the dish won’t be tough pepper skin from the grilled peppers taste so much richer and more interesting. If you lazy to bother, then skip this paragraph and go directly to step 2.

2. Now prepare all the other ingredients. Onion peel and cut into small dice, chili pepper clean away the veins and seeds, the garlic, peel and punch in a blender along with red chilli in the paste. If blender will not cope, add a bit of tomato. If no blender, then finely chop the pepper, and the garlic through a garlic crusher.

If you decided not to roast sweet peppers, then wash it well from extra cleaned, cut into small-small cubes and fry together with the onion (see p. 3).

3. On a small amount of vegetable oil fry the onion with the Bay leaf and cloves to a caramel shade. It should not be burnt, but cooked should not be, so do everything on medium heat, do not hurry.

4. Then take out the cloves and throw out, and to the onions add the tomato, garlic, chili, cumin, coriander, cumin, turmeric and fry while stirring until the appearance of a garlic flavor (about 30 seconds), then add to the roasted peppers and tomatoes. Stir and tormented over medium heat stirring occasionally until the sauce is well thickened (about 20 minutes, maybe more).

5. When the sauce is ready, take out a Bay leaf and stock, and add the remaining spices (paprika, oregano, salt, pepper, Apple cider vinegar and sweetener). Try and balance the taste that was sharp enough to your taste, spicy and definitely not sour. Should be so delicious that you’ll want to eat the sauce already in this form. If so, then he is ready.

Important. Keep in mind that cheese and eggs slightly soften the taste, so it needs to be a little too much.

6. Make sauce of deepening and break them on the egg without damaging the egg yolk. Can leave it as is, or stir in a little protein to the sauce, and the yolk mix if you like. I love the whole yolk and stir with the sauce for a protein. Cook eggs on medium heat until whitening of the protein, the yolk should remain liquid. I recommend to cover the pan to make it happen faster.

Important. If you use cheese or hard cheese, then cut it into cubes and fold into the sauce, and then break in your eggs.

7. Serve shakshuka, posypav chopped herbs and a sprinkle of fragrant olive oil with a spoonful of cottage cheese goat cheese and warm bread. There are highly recommend by hand(!). Take a piece of bread and it as a spoon to scoop the egg with a spicy sauce and cheese. Just fly away!

Memo with what to eat pancakes

I honestly often forget the stuffing, which cooked pancakes, so I decided to make a post in which as in a notebook will record all of them, so as not to strain your brain each pancake)))

So here’s what I currently have (the list will be updated):

1. The most simple, loving.

• All kinds of jams/preserves,

• Honey,

• Syrup (especially maple),

• Salted caramel,

• Condensed milk + optional ground cardamom (didn’t want to include in the list, but many of her love),

• Chocolate sauce (not purchased, and melted chocolate with milk),

• Nut paste,

• Halva,

• Sour cream,

• Yogurt,

• Different cheese

• Cheese,

• Fish,

• Caviar,

• Fruit/berries.

2. Complicated sweet.

• Poppy-seed filling,

• Vanilla curd with berries, fruit or sauce of them

• Cottage cheese stuffed with nuts, dried fruit and honey/jam,

• Curd with banana/figs,

• Nut filling with dried fruit,

• Homemade Nutella and fruit

• Homemade salted caramel out of dates,

• Fried banana with chocolate and peanut butter,

• Caramelized apples with cinnamon, raisins and nuts,

• Ice cream and berries/fruit sauce

• Fruit or berry toppings on creamy-based

• Pancake cake.

3. More complicated not really sweet or not sweet.

• Cheese type sauce tzatziki,

• Cheese with herbs,

• Cheese/cream cheese with pickled/salted cucumbers and greens,

• Goat cheese and caramelized onion or roasted leeks,

• Goat cheese and spinach,

• Goat cheese, honey, nuts, thyme,

• Cottage cheese/ricotta cheese, honey/jam and nuts

• Blue cheese and pear,

• Carmelitana pear and blue cheese ice cream,

• Baked pumpkin with blue cheese and caramelized onions,

• Baked pumpkin and cream cheese

• Camembert and berry sauce

• Mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes,

• Different humusy,

• Salmon and cream cheese,

• Herring with pickled onions and fresh Apple

• Mushroom stuffing,

• Mushroom stuffing with chicken,

• Pate and caramelized onions,

• Classic pancakes with meat

• Cheese and meat with mustard sauce

• Baked ham with creamy horseradish and pickled cucumbers,

• Duck with Hoisin sauce,

• Baked crispy bacon and maple syrup.

Let me remind you that recipe for pancakes in which to wrap the filling – here.

All my pancakes can be found in the section of breakfasts here.

Spice roasted pumpkin with burrata and nuts

Very quick and sophisticated appetizer that can and salad to name, as you wish.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

• 1 small pumpkin, weighing about 1-1. 5 kg,

• 2 large or 4 small burrata (you can substitute for a “quick Breakfast”, mozzarella cheese and even goat cheese). For 1 person you will need about 50-70g cheese

• Any lettuce leaves for serving – a handful per serving

• 4 tbsp. roasted nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, or any on your taste),

• 3 tooth. garlic

• 4 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp for salad leaves, 3 tbsp for roasting the pumpkin (optional can add butter 50g, he will be even tastier),

• 2-3 tbsp agave syrup/honey or any other sweetener (optional)

• 1 tbsp dried oregano,

• 2 sprigs fresh or 1 tbsp dried sage

• 1/2 tsp dry Chile flakes or powder Cayenne pepper

• 1/2 tsp sweet paprika,

•1 tsp sea salt

•½ Tsp freshly ground black pepper

• Balsamic cream and vinegar for serving.

How to do:

1. Pumpkin wash, peel and cut into segments. The slices should not be thinner than 1 cm to the outside of the pumpkin made a good sacramentalist, and inside are wet. Not Melkite. Lettuce leaves, sage wash and dry in paper towels. Garlic peel, wash and crush each clove with the flat side of a knife.

2. Spread the pumpkin on a baking tray with baking paper, pour on it all the spices and herbs, garlic, add the sweetener and butter, mix well, after massaging fully each piece and bake in the oven at 180C until the appearance of brown. I have it takes about 30 minutes, sometimes more. Depends on the oven, varieties of pumpkin and size of the pieces.

3. Ready to get a pumpkin and let it cool for just 5 minutes. At this time, tear lettuce, mix it with 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, salt/pepper to taste.

4. Feed. Put a handful of salad on the plate, top with 5-6 slices of pumpkin, then the cheese. If you are using the burrata, then be sure to cut it and lay the cut up to the filling of straciatella it is not resulted. If you use another kind of cheese, then distribute it randomly on top. Then sprinkle each serving with at 1st.l. coarsely chopped nuts, drizzle it all with olive oil, balsamic cream and finish with leaves of sage, which by the end of baking, the idea is to turn into crispy chips.

I recommend is so that all the ingredients were present on the fork at the same time. The combination of acidity and freshness of the salad, a spicy-sweet pumpkin, creamy cheese and toasted nuts, it’s just fantastic!

Salad with beets, curd cheese and pesto

This is one of my favorite salads with beets. It can be supplemented with lettuce (like corn), cheeses to use on your taste, throw on top, not cedar, and walnut. Most importantly – it’s delicious to roast the root and make bomber pesto!

This is the recipe I like best (1 serving):

1. Bake beets 100-150g (how to do it, wrote here).

2. Beets peel and cut into large cubes, not melchite, this is important. Top crumble 20-30g goat cheese curd or any other curd cheese, chaotic spread 2-3 tbsp of pesto (recipe here), drizzle with balsamic cream and slicer astrogate 5-7 slices of Parmesan and top with a handful of roasted pine nuts. Ready.

It is very tasty!

Beet hummus avocado and goat cheese sandwich

Absolutely gorgeous sandwich, because it’s a classic combination of root vegetable with goat cheese is complemented by the soft avocado.

To do is very simple:

1. A piece of yeast-free rye bread to dry in a pan without oil or in the toaster. While it is hot and crispy, RUB with garlic clove (this point is optional).

2. Put hummus (recipe here), crumble the goat cheese (about 20g), put a quarter or half of avocado, cut into thin slices, and throw a pinch of pine nuts. Be sure to salt/pepper to taste.

For the photo I laid out the ingredients on the two halves of Butera, to be good to see, but actually I put cheese and avocado on the entire surface;)

By the way, if you put the poached egg it will be a hearty and delicious Breakfast.

A similar dish is now served in Coffeemania, but my version I like more, simply because the bread and hummus I make to your taste;)

Beet hummus with goat cheese

Once I cooked a lot of chickpeas and tried to make different hummus, this one turned out to be very successful and unusual, because instead of part of the tahini, I put goat cheese, which is perfectly combined with beetroot. If you do not eat cheese, then you can omit this ingredient.

The cooking process is exactly the same as the classicone, only the ingredients have changed:

100 g of boiled chickpeas (how to cook chickpeas in detail wrote here),

100 g of baked beets

50 ml of liquid from cooking chickpeas/water (it may not be needed at all if the beets are juicy),

2 cloves of garlic,

2-3 tbsp tahini (or 2 tbsp tahini + 2 tbsp curd goat cheese),

2 tbsp olive / sesame oil,

2-3 tbsp lemon juice,

1 tsp coriander,

Optional 0.5-1 tsp ground ginger (if you like),

A pinch of cumin,

A pinch of cayenne chili pepper,

salt/pepper to taste.

How I bake beets.

Wash the beets, wrap them in parchment and bake for 50-60 minutes at 180C. The speed of baking depends on the size of the root crop, after 40 minutes, pierce the largest fruit with a sharp knife, if it enters without crunching and titanic efforts – the beet is ready. Let it cool down and then you can clean it. I recommend cleaning over the sink or in a bowl of water, so as not to stain everything around;)

P.S. This and any other hummus recipe can be used to make a dip based on beans or lentils. That is, you keep all the proportions, only use a different type of legume instead of chickpeas. I wish you interesting experiments!

Salad with figs and cream cheese for 5 minutes

Just a fucking salad!

Recipe for 2 servings:

1. Dressing “vinaigrette”.

Mix 2-3 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil + 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar + 1 tablespoon of lemon juice + 1-2 teaspoons of honey or any neutral sweet syrup into the emulsion (Jerusalem artichoke, for example) + salt and pepper to taste. The sauce should be buttery, spicy sour-sweet.

2. Assemble the salad

Salad mix (50-70g) or any neutral to taste salad (corn, for example) my, dry, pour half the dressing and mix slightly, distribute a generous handful on 2 plates, spread on top of 2-3 very ripe sweet juicy figs, sliced crosswise, then each put in 1-2 tbsp of curd goat cheese, creamcheese or feta/cheese, if it is the consistency like cream cheese and not dry. Throw on top of fried crispy nuts (walnuts or pecans) and pour all that remains of the gas station.

Very tasty!

PS As I roasted nuts, I write here.

Divine zucchini appetizer served two ways (with goat cheese and with ricotta and anchovies)

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

3 young zucchini (I mixed colors, but the taste in this recipe is not affected).

1 small red onion or shallot,

2 cloves garlic,

2 tbsp olive oil (can be replaced by any other that you like),

1 tbsp white wine vinegar (you can substitute red but then the color zucchini will become pinkish, keep in mind Sea salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper to taste.

For serving:

100 g cottage cheese goat cheese (you can substitute cream cheese, but goat tastes better),


100 g ricotta,

6-10 anchovies, canned in oil (do NOT substitute salt such as sprat).

How to do:

1. Zucchini wash, cut off tops, cut in half and then each part cut into thin strips (approximately 2 mm). Than the more uniform will be the thickness of the slices, so they cook evenly.

If the seeds in zucchini is already quite large and have a thick rind, the entire soft part with seeds is to clean up, and then chop.

2. Large non-stick frying pan heat up well, then on medium heat sauté in butter the finely chopped onions until zolotisty, add chopped garlic and cook for 30 seconds while constantly stirring the contents of the pan.

3. Then increase the heat, add zucchini and constantly shaking the pan fry them for 2-5 minutes. The frying time depends on the thickness and youthfulness of your zucchini. Than the zucchini, the more tender and thinner, the less time is needed for frying. Our task is to give them a little to soften on the outside but keep the inside fresh.

4. Zucchini are ready put in a bowl, gently mix with vinegar, salt and pepper.

5. This dish perfectly both cold and hot. When serving, sprinkle with crumbled goat cheese, drizzle with a drop of olive oil, freshly ground pepper.

Or sprinkle with ricotta, to spread on each serving 3-5 anchovies, drizzle with oil from the jar of anchovies and enjoy;)