Buckwheat bowl with egg and tahini-soy mayonnaise + life hacks for cooking the buckwheat

The bowl is a deep dish in which you are quick, tasty and beautiful can combine correctly is a useful meal. Usually there is a portion of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, root vegetables), a serving of protein (legumes, tofu, mushrooms, meat, fish/seafood, poultry, cheeses, eggs), lots of vegetables/fruits (fresh or cooked) and some fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, nut pastes, olives, sauces based on oils).

The bowl can be very boring, and can be a work of art, it all depends on your imagination)) My crackaol simple, but very tasty. Love it for Breakfast, although for a light lunch/dinner is also a great option;)

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

• Boiled buckwheat, you can use any (you can substitute quinoa) – 3 tablespoons,

• 1 chicken egg

• Half an avocado,

• Mushrooms – 3-4 pieces (I have mushrooms),

• A small tomato or 4 cherry tomatoes,

• Balsamic cream (optional, but very recommend) – on the tomato a bit

• Truffle oil (optional but very recommend) – a bit on the mushrooms,

• A little lemon juice and olive oil – all to sprinkle on top (also optional)

• Salt/pepper/spices/herbs/sesame seeds – optional.

Also you can put cheese on it (cheese is particularly relevant) and any salad leaves. You can stew them together with the mushrooms. Spinach, for example, very suitable.

Ingredients for soy mayonnaise:

It is based on universal sauce Urbachwhere salt substitute for soy sauce.

• 3 tbsp tahini,

• 3 tbsp lemon juice/Apple cider or white wine vinegar,

• 1 tbsp olive oil,

• 1-2 tbsp soy sauce (depends on its type, place 1, then sample and add more if necessary),

• 1 clove of garlic, passed through a press (optional)

• 1 tsp miso paste (optional)

• 3 tablespoons of water (watch the consistency, add gradually),

• Pepper, to taste.

How to do:

1. Cooking buckwheat (roasted brown).

Tell method, and the number you define yourself, I usually cook 1 Cup, enough for 5-6 servings for this recipe.

Cereal to sort, wash carefully until clear water, drain in a colander, then spread on a heated pan and fry on medium heat stirring constantly. Buckwheat needs to dry completely and make amazing aromas. After that, switch off immediately. Roasting buckwheat subsequently makes it crisp and very flavorful.

While fried buckwheat boil water. 1.5 cups if you like a little al’dente grits, and 2 cups, if you like boiled groats, but not in porridge. I put 2 cups.

Then put the buckwheat in a heatproof dish with a lid, fill with water, throw a pinch of salt, cover and either cook it in the oven (I like that way), or on the stove.

If in the oven, then preheat it to 180C, put down the buckwheat for 15 minutes, then turn off the oven and wait until all water is absorbed in the rump (it’s 40 minutes – 1 hour). Perfect your buckwheat is ready.

If on the stove, then cook on very low heat for 20-25 minutes and then let it rest under a lid until all water is absorbed in the grits.

Cooking buckwheat (unroasted green).

Here is a slightly different story. Green, I would not be subjected to excessive heat treatment. The proportions of buckwheat and water are the same as for brown.

Sort, wash thoroughly (this affects the crispness of cereal), throw in a pot of salted water, bring to a boil, then cook on low heat under lid for 15 minutes until tender (in the process not to disturb), either immediately turn off and allow to swell by wrapping the pot with something warm. 30-40 minutes is enough.

The second method is more gentle to “living product”, but longer. Try both ways as you like.

If you have buckwheat cooked in advance, then reheat it in the microwave or on the stove in a saucepan, the bottom of which poured a little water. Fry the buckwheat should be on medium-high heat stirring occasionally, and long, so it is not much seethe.

2. Soy mayonnaise (I do for the future, it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for 3 days exactly).

Shake all the ingredients until smooth. I do it in a small jar in which he kept the last bit of sauce.

3. Prepare the remaining ingredients.

All my. Tomato and avocado slice. If you need to preserve the color avocado, then sprinkle it with lemon juice or lime juice.

Cook the egg either poached (recipe here), or in a bag (recipe here).

Mushrooms fry in a drop of oil on high heat so they get flavored crust. In the end, I add a little thyme, salt and freshly ground pepper. Also you can add mushrooms, onions, garlic, ginger, other herbs and spices. Cook mushrooms as you like, the main thing that it was delicious and combined with the remaining ingredients to the bowl.

4. Collect the bowl.

Buckwheat lay down, then 2 tbsp of mayonnaise (or how much your conscience will allow))), and on top of all the other ingredients, as in the photo. Tomatoes sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, mushrooms and truffle oil. Next, I love all pour a little juice of lemon/lime, but it is optional.

By the way, this dish is very easy to do from many people. Made of billet, and then just put in the number of plates, and quickly put everything away;)

Avocado hummus

I love hummus and I love guacamole, so I decided to combine them. It turned out so cool, I didn’t even expect it) Not hummus, but tenderness itself!


• 1 large or 2 small ripe (!) avocado

• * 400 g of boiled chickpeas (how to cook chickpeas I wrote here)

• * 2-3 cloves of garlic,

• 2 tbsp tahini,

• 2 tbsp olive / sesame oil,

* Juice of 1 lemon,

• 1 tsp coriander,

* 0.5 tsp cumin,

• Pinch of cayenne chili pepper,

* Salt/pepper to taste.

It is very simple to do: put everything in a blender and beat until smooth, if necessary, adding water or liquid from cooking chickpeas. At the end, taste and add more spices if necessary.

Serve with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and olive oil. You can use lime or lemon juice instead of vinegar.

Obscenely delicious salad with shrimp, avocado, mango, chickpeas and quinoa

Refreshing, unusual and very nutritious salad that can come for lunch or dinner.

Ingredients: 4 servings

• 30 large shrimp (you can substitute crab meat but crab sticks, please),

• 100 g of quinoa (about 4 tablespoons)

• 100 g dry chickpeas or 200 g of prepared chickpeas

• 1 ripe mango,

• 1 ripe but still elastic avocado,

• 1 large cucumber or 2 small (about 100 g)

• 1 sour-sweet juicy Apple medium size,

• Cilantro leaves (about 4-5 tablespoons in powdered form),

• Mint leaves (about 3-5 tbsp crushed),

• Lemon juice of half a lemon (about 3-4 tablespoons)

• Olive oil – 3 tablespoons,

• 1 lime to serve,

• Salt and pepper to taste.

How to do:

1. I like this salad with the regular white quinoa. I cook quinoa as directed on the package, since the method of cooking depends on the variety.

But usually so: thoroughly wash barley, soak it for at least 30 minutes or for a few hours, the seeds swelled, and trash spil, and it can be removed with running water. And most importantly, even after a short soaking, the quinoa will taste bitter.

Then fill it with water in a ratio of 1к2, bring to boil and cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. The idea is all the water should soak into the grains, if this has not happened, and the quinoa is tender, simply drain it in a colander.

Chickpeas to boil in any convenient way (here described in detail, as I do). All to cool to room temperature.

I usually cook a lot of chickpeas and quinoa, because I often use them in various other dishes. Recommend for convenience to do so as well.

2. Shrimp cleaned from the shell and tail, then make a cut on the back and remove the intestines, wash them, dry on a paper towel. The pan good heat, pour oil on it for frying and add 1 crushed clove of garlic. Warmed the oil for 10 seconds, stirring the garlic in the oil. Garlic take out and put the shrimp in 1 layer. Fry 1 minute on each side over very high heat. If shrimp are very large and raw (gray-green), then 1.5 min on each side. The main thing not to overdo, so they do not become rubber. Remove the shrimp, season with salt and pepper, stir. 10 shrimp cut into 3-4 pieces, the rest 20 pieces leave whole.

If you are using frozen shrimps then thaw them beforehand in the fridge. Then do with them as described above.

3. Apple, cucumber, mango, avocado, peel and seeds, cut into small cubes about the size of chickpeas. All at once pour the lemon juice and stir so that the fruit did not potemnela. Chop the herbs coarsely.

4. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, except the whole shrimp and a pinch of greens (let’s leave it for decoration). Try the salad a taste and add more seasoning, oil or lemon juice if necessary.

5. Feed. Lay out the lettuce on a plate, top put 5 whole shrimp and sprinkle with herbs. On the edge of the plate place a quarter of lime. Before eating this salad is sure to generously sprinkle it with lime juice and enjoy;)

By the way, this salad can be wrapped in nori, and you get a snack Tamaki. Or wrap in rice paper, so you get something like spring rolls. Recommend to serve with peanut sauce, very delicious!

Mouth-watering and nutritious salad with chickpeas, avocado and vegetables with tahini-dressing

This salad besides the awesome flavor and very hearty, it can be just a full lunch or dinner.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

A pair of elastic handfuls salad leaves (leaves beet tops, or Kale for a good fit),

1 avocado (very ripe, to it the salad was prevratilos in the sauce),

10-12 cherry tomatoes (regular tomatoes will not work, because they give a lot of moisture, and there is no need),

1 small red onion/shallots,

Two handfuls of cooked chickpeas (how to cook chickpea wrote here),

Leaves 10 twigs cilantro,

For the filling will need at 3st.l. tahini, lemon juice, olive oil.

In this salad you can also add cooked beets, grated carrots, quinoa and all it’s delicious base with which you can experiment;)

How to do it.

1. All to be washed. Kale you should massage (detailed instructions here). If you have beet greens, and she’s heavy and hard, it is also possible to mash 1 tbsp olive oil.

2. Onion cut into small cubes and marinate in a tablespoon of wine/balsamic/Apple cider vinegar while you chop everything else.

3. Avocado peel and cut into large dice. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Avocado, tomatoes, chickpeas, cilantro, and onion together with the vinegar and add to the salad bowl to the salad leaves.

4. Dressing. Mix all ingredients for filling until smooth, then season with salt/pepper to taste. The mass will be thick, that’s okay – the juice of the tomatoes will dilute the dressing to the desired consistency, but if you want the sauce to bring to the desired consistency with water.

5. Add the sauce to the salad, gently mix everything. Add more salt and pepper if needed and enjoy;)

Beet hummus avocado and goat cheese sandwich

Absolutely gorgeous sandwich, because it’s a classic combination of root vegetable with goat cheese is complemented by the soft avocado.

To do is very simple:

1. A piece of yeast-free rye bread to dry in a pan without oil or in the toaster. While it is hot and crispy, RUB with garlic clove (this point is optional).

2. Put hummus (recipe here), crumble the goat cheese (about 20g), put a quarter or half of avocado, cut into thin slices, and throw a pinch of pine nuts. Be sure to salt/pepper to taste.

For the photo I laid out the ingredients on the two halves of Butera, to be good to see, but actually I put cheese and avocado on the entire surface;)

By the way, if you put the poached egg it will be a hearty and delicious Breakfast.

A similar dish is now served in Coffeemania, but my version I like more, simply because the bread and hummus I make to your taste;)

Grilled shrimp with avocado cream

I wrote earlier about the subtleties of cooking shrimp, you can read here.

Now I was cooking pre-prepared (red) medium size shrimp without a shell. Such a better cook no more than a couple minutes.

Recipe for 2 servings:

1. Prawns (300g), wash, dry.

2. Heat a pan, preferably of such size that all the shrimp lay in 1 layer, either fry in batches. While the pan heats up crushed flat side of a knife a couple of cloves of garlic, peeled and as soon as the pan is hot, put it in a little olive oil, a couple pinches of rosemary and garlic. Heated the oil until the garlic smell (it’s 10 seconds) and spread shrimp. I fried them for about 1 minute on each side over very high heat. So they get a crust, but don’t become rubber.

3. Serve with avocado sauce. If you eat without the sauce, I recommend immediately after cooking, a little seasoning them with salt/pepper to taste and drizzle with lemon juice/lime.

Avocado sauce for everything

This sauce is ideal for fish, seafood, pasta, for Brackett, or maybe as a dip. In short, the perfect sauce with the perfect avocado.

You can do vegan, dairy free.


Avocado – 1 big or 2 small. It should be ripe, firm options will not work.

Garlic – 2 tooth. I recommend you first put 1 clove, then add if necessary. The garlic cloves are different.

Juice, lime wedges and wedges of lemon. I put lime for flavor, and lemon for acidity.

Apple cider/wine vinegar – 1-2 tbsp, or you can substitute lemon juice.

Greek yogurt/sour cream/cottage cheese – 50-100 g

For a vegan version I use vegetable milk + 1 tbsp tahini/other unobtrusive Urbach or 2 tbsp neutral type of nut cashews. Cashews I pre-soaked in water 4-6 hours.

Add the yogurt/cheese/sour cream gradually, the mood. Sometimes I even do without them. Keep in mind that the consistency of the sauce will be more liquid if you use yoghurt, and thicker, if you use cheese.

A vegan version of milk makes the sauce runny, and peanut butter thick on the contrary.

Parsley/Basil/cilantro/tarragon, in one word your favorite greens – about 2 tablespoons in powdered form, can be replaced by dry, then you need a few pinches. This time I did with Basil. Put 1 large branch direct with stems, because the blender will grind all.

Optionally you can put a couple of tablespoons fragrant olive oil. I love the Greek or the Portuguese, they add diversity to the taste.

Salt/freshly ground black pepper to taste. I recommend to add gradually.

How to do it.

Very simple. All washed and in a blender until smooth creamy consistency.

Feeding, as I mentioned above, as a sauce or as a separate dish-snack.

Salad with quinoa, vegetables, mushrooms and cottage cheese

All of us sometimes too lazy/have no time to cook but want to eat right now and preferably useful. This dish is a tasty and convenient option. Like all without exception, even those who don’t like certain ingredients;)

This salad designer, it can put quite a diverse set of products, so I will describe rather than prescription, and technology and list of ingredients.


Binding: quinoa, sweet tasty tomatoes, ripe avocado, salad mix/spinach, lemon juice/balsamic vinegar, olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground pepper.

Optional: cream cheese/feta/goat cheese, any kind of mushrooms (I usually stir-fry them with the onions until it will turn brown), roasted vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, broccoli, etc.), sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs (especially parsley appropriate here), various nuts and seeds, herbs (Basil, Italian, thyme).


I often make blanks for this salad for a few days, then for 2 minutes to prepare it at any time.

Quinoa is best to cook a little less time (cooking time for each specific type of seeds look on the package), so she definitely kept the form for a few days. This is true more for white quinoa. Inarenou cereal I keep in the fridge up to 3 days. Can mix it with a small amount of vegetable oil, so it does not stick together.

I cook quinoa as directed on the package, since the method of cooking depends on the variety.

But usually so: thoroughly wash barley, soak it for at least 30 minutes or for a few hours, the seeds swelled, and trash spil, and it can be removed with running water. And most importantly, even after a short soaking, the quinoa will taste bitter.

Then fill it with water in a ratio of 1к2, bring to boil and cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. The idea is all the water should soak into the grains, if this has not happened, and the quinoa is tender, simply drain it in a colander.

Vegetables I usually bake a lot. They can always be used in such salads, as a garnish in sandwiches. Recipe baked vegetables wrote here.

Mushrooms also fry a whole pan, because they are also great for many dishes: for Breakfast from eggs, to sandwiches, to pizza, to pasta.


For 1 serving, I usually put half an avocado, a handful of salad mix/spinach, 5 cherry tomatoes, no more than 100g. prepared quinoa 1-2 tbsp mushrooms, cheese, roasted vegetables, greens, sun-dried tomatoes, lemon juice/balsamic. Salt/pepper/nuts/herbs to taste. Oil sometimes do not add if it is enough of roasted vegetables and mushrooms. Mix everything and eat.

And such food can be taken by wrapping the salad in a rice paper in spring rolls. Very happy with it!

How to make chia pudding

I already wrote about my favorite Chia pudding with mango, and today we will talk about life hacks on how to make delicious Chia pudding with any berries or fruit.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds
  • 100 ml coconut milk (I usually have fat milk 16-19%). You can use less fat or any nut/cow’s milk, or even coconut water, but the proportions of seeds then will be different.
  • 200 g of berries/fruit that you like.
  • Optional pinch of ground vanilla,
  • Coconut chips, cinnamon, other spices, and sweeteners – optional and to taste.

How to do:

1. Pudding.

Mix the milk, seeds, vanilla and sweetener, if you use (I do not put), leave for 5-10 minutes to stand. After that, again mix the pudding to a uniform consistency, then close the container and send it to the refrigerator for a period of 2 hours (you can overnight). The pudding should be quite thick, not liquid. If it is not, add some more Chia seeds and let it stand in the refrigerator for about an hour.

2. Fruit puree.

The filler for the pudding should have about the same density as the pudding itself, this gives the dish a pleasant unified texture. How to do this:

The first method.
If we make it from dense, fleshy fruits such as mango, papaya, banana, avocado or with their participation.
For 1 serving, you will need the same proportions of Chia seeds and milk, and for fruit puree-half a small banana and about 100g of berries. A few berries can be left for decoration, and the rest is punched in a blender, and put in layers.

Second way.
If we want to make a puree of berries/fruits that contain a lot of liquid, then I recommend doing this:

Cut the berries at random, the main thing is that the juice can come out of them. Put in a saucepan, give 10 minutes to lie down and give the juices, then slowly heat over a low heat, bring to a boil, after a couple of minutes turn off and cool. The taste of fresh berries / fruits after such a short heat exposure remains almost unchanged. But their weight decreases significantly, that is, 200g of fresh berries turns into about 100g of processed + juice.

After that, we have only the pulp without juice in the blender (the juice can be used for cooking other dishes – in sauces, lemonades, etc.). you can optionally add a pinch of cinnamon and a sweetener (maple syrup, agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.). Whisk until puree.

3. about 15 Minutes before serving, you need to get the seeds out of the refrigerator so that they are slightly warmed up and have a more liquid consistency. In a transparent glass, put any layers of Chia, fruit puree, berries, any toppings to your taste.

You can use frozen berries, they need to be thawed, thrown back in a colander, let the excess moisture drain, and then use or warm up according to the method described above.

Beautiful salad with quinoa, beets, Apple and avocado with ginger-mustard dressing

I have long and dearly love the same, which consists of only 4 ingredients (arugula, beets, nuts and cheese, plus sour dressing). But I wanted to balance the dish so that it became a full-fledged lunch/dinner. It turned out just delicious)) In the version with hummus it is also suitable for vegans.

Ingredients (for 3-4 servings):

• Cooked quinoa (can use any, I have tri-color) – I put 3 STL. per serving or approximately 10 tablespoons,

• 1 beet baked/boiled medium size (how to roast beets wrote here),

• 1 sour-sweet juicy Apple,

• 1 ripe avocado,

• Arugula (tastes the best)/spinach/Kale/any green leaves – 2-3 handfuls

• Parsley chopped – 3 tbsp.

• Cilantro chopped – 3 tbsp.

• Chopped mint – 2 tbsp,

• Optional goat cheese, feta, blue cheese can also, even cottage cheese can be granular – to taste, I put about 2 tbsp of cream cheese per serving, or hummus for vegan version

• Roasted walnuts or pine nuts 1 generous handful,

• For decoration (optional): a few pinches of herbs, crispy roasted pumpkin seeds or almond petals, pomegranate grains.

What else can you put in this salad: the beans of edamame, asparagus, raw young zucchini, fennel.

Ingredients for the filling:

You can make the most simple of the oil, lemon juice and sweetener, and it can be a little more interesting:

• 3 tablespoons Apple cider/wine vinegar,

• 3 tbsp lime juice (you can substitute lemon, but lime is more interesting),

• 2 tbsp olive oil (don’t put a lot because the salad already eat fatty avocados and nuts),

• 2 tbsp Jerusalem artichoke syrup, maple syrup or honey

• 2 tsp Dijon mustard,

• 1 tsp grated root ginger,

• Salt/pepper to taste.

How to do:

1. Prepare the base: beets and quinoa, you can even do this the day before.

I cook quinoa as directed on the package, since the method of cooking depends on the variety.

But usually so: thoroughly wash barley, soak it for at least 30 minutes or for a few hours, the seeds swelled, and trash spil, and it can be removed with running water. And most importantly, even after a short soaking, the quinoa will taste bitter.

Then fill it with water in a ratio of 1к2, bring to boil and cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. The idea is all the water should soak into the grains, if this has not happened, and the quinoa is tender, simply drain it in a colander.

I baked the beets.

Wash beets, wrap in parchment and bake for 50-60 minutes at 180C. Speed of cooking depends on the size of the roots, after 40 minutes pierce with a big fruit with a sharp knife if it is without crackle, and a Herculean effort — beets are ready. Let it cool and then you can clean. Cleaned recommend over a sink or bowl with water, so as not to paint all around;)

I usually cook a lot of grits and baked a whole pan of beets and then use them in various recipes.

2. All the other ingredients wash, dry, tear lettuce leaves into small pieces, greens grind. The Apple and beetroot cut into dice, avocados, cut into cubes or slices (depending on how you want to serve with a salad, on that later), immediately sprinkle with the lime or lemon juice, not darkened.

3. Nuts/seeds or bake in the oven (then wrote manul for roasting) or in a skillet. Allow to cool and become crunchy charm.

4. For a vegan version of the recipe for hummus here. In principle, cheese or hummus are optional in this salad, it is also great without them.

5. For the filling just all poured into a small jar, close lid tightly and shake intensely.

6. How to make salad (2 ways):

Method 1 (pictured above). Mixed lettuce, Apple, beets, parsley and 2/3 of the filling, taste for seasoning, add what you need, laid out on plates, top lay slices of avocado, sprinkle them with the remaining filling and decorate.

Method 2 (pictured below). Just mix everything in a bowl (avocado then just fit in the cubes), taste for seasoning, add what you need, lay on plates and decorate top (optional).

Bon appetit!