Two ingredient homemade nut butter

It is very tasty and very easy! If you ever try to make peanut butter at home, it is unlikely that you are going to buy it in the store.

Just say the important point about blender. Submersible and the carafe will not work. You need a chopper, which has big knives. Ideally, powerful, but mediocre is also a decent result.

Ingredients (example will lead to a fabulous peanut paste, can do of any nuts/seeds):

• 300 g of nuts

• 2 pinches of salt

All the other ingredients at your discretion. Sweetener, spices, cacao etc.

How to do:

1. Preparation nuts.

Nuts wash, dried with a towel and in a preheated 160C oven for 10-15 minutes. To remove, peel (optional) and allow to cool.

Important points:

• Higher temperatures will burn the oil in the nuts, pasta quickly progorkaet. So be careful.

• Roast the walnuts until you are ready don’t need! The fact is that when skalyvanie them in peanut butter, the taste of the nut is concentrated in a few times. Thus, if you make just according to your taste, the pasta will get overdone with flavor. There will be difficult. In any case, the roasting of nuts you then define to your taste.

• Peel nuts (e.g. almonds or peanuts) are not critically affect the taste, but rather on color. Therefore, to clean or not – at your discretion.

• I recommend to grind the nuts so that they at least 2/3 occupied space of the bowl of a blender. When grinding nuts, the volume will decrease by 2 times for sure, and if you take a little nuts, then the knives will be scrolled. So focus on the size of your blender.

2. Do pasta.

The cooled nuts and salt are sent to the shredder and blenderm. The longer you twist, the more uniform, smooth and a liquid consistency is pasta. Here it is for your taste.

The grinding time depends on the blender. I do 3-5 stages so it does not overheat. Breaks make great. Palicula was left to cool, use that time to do other things. Then I remembered, went over polical and again left. As long as the consistency I was not satisfied. Store in a glass jar.

Peanut paste is so delicious that it should be hidden away so as not to eat with a spoon. Fragrant, gentle with occasional patches of sweet nastolatek nuts, mmmmmm…

Where I used walnut pasta:

Porridge/pancakes as a topping (beet pancakes), pastries (from Blondie chickpeas with dates), make different sauces based on pasta (bombezny mustard based sauce tahini, sauce Urbach to any dish), ice cream and ice cream in smoothies. And slice an Apple, top with peanut butter and a little cinnamon. In fact, just a spoon you can eat, but do not need))))

Be sure to try to do, but do not overeat;)

Poppy seed sauce for cheesecakes and pancakes

This sauce is certainly bombastic!


1. 100g poppy pour boiling water so that the water completely covers it. We wait until the poppy absorbs all the water (it took me 30-40 minutes) and Blender the mixture. It will not turn out super homogeneous, you can not bother, but some of the grains will still grind and give an incredible flavor later. By the way, I soaked right in the bowl of a blender.

2. put the mixture in a saucepan, pour 50 ml.cream. Warm up the mixture 5-7min (it should become thick and almost without moisture), cool.

3. Mix the cooled poppy seed with about 50g of Greek yogurt. Here it is best to take it, because I tried it with sour cream, and with matzoni, and with cream. It turns out either the consistency is not the same, or the taste. Here you strictly need a neutral, thick, non-acidic yogurt of the Greek type. Next, put the Jerusalem artichoke syrup to taste (do not need much, put it gradually). Optionally, you can add the zest of half a lemon or a quarter of an orange and just a little lemon/orange juice.

This sauce is perfectly combined with cottage cheese dishes (cheesecakes, casserole), with desserts (cheesecake, lemongrass), you can put in porridge, etc. Mac

P.S. cherry sauce was done in its own way standard principle.

Berry or fruit sauce to any dish

Such sauces are suitable for a variety of dishes (cheesecakes, casseroles, pancakes, meat, cheeses, etc.) and incredibly decorate them. I mainly make sauces from blueberries, cherries, strawberries, lingonberries and their mixes. More from plums, apples and their mixes. Of course, depending on the particular dish, the recipe will be slightly different, but globally the ingredients and technology are almost the same. Therefore, I will tell you about the principle that you can repeat or take as the basis of your sauce.

So, for sweet dishes, sauces I do this: wash the fruit, if necessary, then take out the bones, peel, etc., put it all in a saucepan and start to heat very slowly so that the berries-fruits give juices. At this stage, you can add a little sweetener (I have agave syrup or Jerusalem artichoke) to speed up the process of separating the juices. I do not add water, as is often recommended in recipes. Well, why, if fruit is water.

Then, over low heat, warm the fruit to a boil and turn it off. Cool for 10-15 minutes and resume the procedure. Usually on the third time of such manipulations, the fruits will be ready, and their juice will turn into a pleasant sauce.

The iterative method helps not to turn the fruit into a dead brew and easily adjust the density of the sauce (you need to look at the consistency at the moments of cooling!).

Seasonings are added almost at the very end of cooking, usually cinnamon, vanilla, a little nutmeg, rum/wine/brandy, more sweetness, if required. First I put a little of everything, then a few times in the process I try and balance the taste.

For cheese, meat and snacks, cooking is simply a set of spices. Instead of alcohol, I put balsamic vinegar/wine vinegar, salt, freshly ground pepper, thyme, rosemary and other spicy herbs according to mood.


In no case do not interfere with the berries, if you need to preserve their structure in the sauce. In this case, only regular shaking of the saucepan is suitable.

Less juicy fruits I cook, covering with a lid so that moisture does not evaporate. If there is a lot of juice on the contrary, then, accordingly, without a lid.

This sauce is perfectly combined with baked camembert or brie cheese.:

With fried suluguni or Adyghe cheese: