Refreshing, unusual and very nutritious salad that can come for lunch or dinner.
Ingredients: 4 servings
• 30 large shrimp (you can substitute crab meat but crab sticks, please),
• 100 g of quinoa (about 4 tablespoons)
• 100 g dry chickpeas or 200 g of prepared chickpeas
• 1 ripe mango,
• 1 ripe but still elastic avocado,
• 1 large cucumber or 2 small (about 100 g)
• 1 sour-sweet juicy Apple medium size,
• Cilantro leaves (about 4-5 tablespoons in powdered form),
• Mint leaves (about 3-5 tbsp crushed),
• Lemon juice of half a lemon (about 3-4 tablespoons)
• Olive oil – 3 tablespoons,
• 1 lime to serve,
• Salt and pepper to taste.
How to do:
1. I like this salad with the regular white quinoa. I cook quinoa as directed on the package, since the method of cooking depends on the variety.
But usually so: thoroughly wash barley, soak it for at least 30 minutes or for a few hours, the seeds swelled, and trash spil, and it can be removed with running water. And most importantly, even after a short soaking, the quinoa will taste bitter.
Then fill it with water in a ratio of 1к2, bring to boil and cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. The idea is all the water should soak into the grains, if this has not happened, and the quinoa is tender, simply drain it in a colander.
Chickpeas to boil in any convenient way (here described in detail, as I do). All to cool to room temperature.
I usually cook a lot of chickpeas and quinoa, because I often use them in various other dishes. Recommend for convenience to do so as well.
2. Shrimp cleaned from the shell and tail, then make a cut on the back and remove the intestines, wash them, dry on a paper towel. The pan good heat, pour oil on it for frying and add 1 crushed clove of garlic. Warmed the oil for 10 seconds, stirring the garlic in the oil. Garlic take out and put the shrimp in 1 layer. Fry 1 minute on each side over very high heat. If shrimp are very large and raw (gray-green), then 1.5 min on each side. The main thing not to overdo, so they do not become rubber. Remove the shrimp, season with salt and pepper, stir. 10 shrimp cut into 3-4 pieces, the rest 20 pieces leave whole.
If you are using frozen shrimps then thaw them beforehand in the fridge. Then do with them as described above.
3. Apple, cucumber, mango, avocado, peel and seeds, cut into small cubes about the size of chickpeas. All at once pour the lemon juice and stir so that the fruit did not potemnela. Chop the herbs coarsely.
4. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, except the whole shrimp and a pinch of greens (let’s leave it for decoration). Try the salad a taste and add more seasoning, oil or lemon juice if necessary.
5. Feed. Lay out the lettuce on a plate, top put 5 whole shrimp and sprinkle with herbs. On the edge of the plate place a quarter of lime. Before eating this salad is sure to generously sprinkle it with lime juice and enjoy;)
By the way, this salad can be wrapped in nori, and you get a snack Tamaki. Or wrap in rice paper, so you get something like spring rolls. Recommend to serve with peanut sauce, very delicious!