Obscenely delicious salad with shrimp, avocado, mango, chickpeas and quinoa

Refreshing, unusual and very nutritious salad that can come for lunch or dinner.

Ingredients: 4 servings

• 30 large shrimp (you can substitute crab meat but crab sticks, please),

• 100 g of quinoa (about 4 tablespoons)

• 100 g dry chickpeas or 200 g of prepared chickpeas

• 1 ripe mango,

• 1 ripe but still elastic avocado,

• 1 large cucumber or 2 small (about 100 g)

• 1 sour-sweet juicy Apple medium size,

• Cilantro leaves (about 4-5 tablespoons in powdered form),

• Mint leaves (about 3-5 tbsp crushed),

• Lemon juice of half a lemon (about 3-4 tablespoons)

• Olive oil – 3 tablespoons,

• 1 lime to serve,

• Salt and pepper to taste.

How to do:

1. I like this salad with the regular white quinoa. I cook quinoa as directed on the package, since the method of cooking depends on the variety.

But usually so: thoroughly wash barley, soak it for at least 30 minutes or for a few hours, the seeds swelled, and trash spil, and it can be removed with running water. And most importantly, even after a short soaking, the quinoa will taste bitter.

Then fill it with water in a ratio of 1к2, bring to boil and cook under the lid for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. The idea is all the water should soak into the grains, if this has not happened, and the quinoa is tender, simply drain it in a colander.

Chickpeas to boil in any convenient way (here described in detail, as I do). All to cool to room temperature.

I usually cook a lot of chickpeas and quinoa, because I often use them in various other dishes. Recommend for convenience to do so as well.

2. Shrimp cleaned from the shell and tail, then make a cut on the back and remove the intestines, wash them, dry on a paper towel. The pan good heat, pour oil on it for frying and add 1 crushed clove of garlic. Warmed the oil for 10 seconds, stirring the garlic in the oil. Garlic take out and put the shrimp in 1 layer. Fry 1 minute on each side over very high heat. If shrimp are very large and raw (gray-green), then 1.5 min on each side. The main thing not to overdo, so they do not become rubber. Remove the shrimp, season with salt and pepper, stir. 10 shrimp cut into 3-4 pieces, the rest 20 pieces leave whole.

If you are using frozen shrimps then thaw them beforehand in the fridge. Then do with them as described above.

3. Apple, cucumber, mango, avocado, peel and seeds, cut into small cubes about the size of chickpeas. All at once pour the lemon juice and stir so that the fruit did not potemnela. Chop the herbs coarsely.

4. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, except the whole shrimp and a pinch of greens (let’s leave it for decoration). Try the salad a taste and add more seasoning, oil or lemon juice if necessary.

5. Feed. Lay out the lettuce on a plate, top put 5 whole shrimp and sprinkle with herbs. On the edge of the plate place a quarter of lime. Before eating this salad is sure to generously sprinkle it with lime juice and enjoy;)

By the way, this salad can be wrapped in nori, and you get a snack Tamaki. Or wrap in rice paper, so you get something like spring rolls. Recommend to serve with peanut sauce, very delicious!

Grilled shrimp with avocado cream

I wrote earlier about the subtleties of cooking shrimp, you can read here.

Now I was cooking pre-prepared (red) medium size shrimp without a shell. Such a better cook no more than a couple minutes.

Recipe for 2 servings:

1. Prawns (300g), wash, dry.

2. Heat a pan, preferably of such size that all the shrimp lay in 1 layer, either fry in batches. While the pan heats up crushed flat side of a knife a couple of cloves of garlic, peeled and as soon as the pan is hot, put it in a little olive oil, a couple pinches of rosemary and garlic. Heated the oil until the garlic smell (it’s 10 seconds) and spread shrimp. I fried them for about 1 minute on each side over very high heat. So they get a crust, but don’t become rubber.

3. Serve with avocado sauce. If you eat without the sauce, I recommend immediately after cooking, a little seasoning them with salt/pepper to taste and drizzle with lemon juice/lime.

Best Ever Tom Kha Gai

I finally figured out the perfect technology and the proportions of the ingredients, Hooray!

First, a little about the soup Tom Kha.

This hot and sour Thai soup in coconut milk with meat/seafood/mushrooms/vegetables/spices. I met two varieties: Tom Kha Kai (Tom Kha Kai) with chicken and Tom Kha Kung (Tom Kha Kung) – with shrimp.

Prefer to combine the two preparing the soup and chicken, and shrimp at the same time.

Generally all ingredients in the soup can be divided into 3 parts: liquid (broth, water, coconut milk), what to eat (meat, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables) and spices (lemongrass, lime leaves, chili, etc.).

The technology is usually such that the liquid ingredients to throw spices, then add the main ingredients, and when they are ready, the soup is served with cilantro and lime juice.

And here I always didn’t like to pick out of the soup 100,500 leaves and sticks, and to search among them meat and shrimp. Also I rarely like the density and richness of the broth, even in restaurants in Thailand. In your recipe I have corrected it;)


1. Broth.

Like a rich viscous broth. I tried different options, and that this proportion is liked the most.

  • Chicken broth (you can substitute water) – 500 ml
  • Coconut milk – 500 ml
  • Coconut cream (you can substitute regular) – 200ml.

If the coconut cream you do not, then take 600 ml broth + 800 ml coconut milk.

2. Main ingredients.

I put them in a 1:1 ratio to the amount of broth. That is for 1 liter of broth you need about 1kg of meat/seafood/mushrooms, and in this case, so:

  • The meat from the chicken thighs (for more is dietary option take a chicken breast) – 500-600 g
  • Peeled shrimp (better to use not boiled) – 500-600 g
  • Shiitake mushrooms – 200-300 g. They can be replaced by mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.
  • Optional eggplants (Thai, not the usual blue) – 5-6 pieces.

Important. If you are using frozen meat, shrimp or mushrooms, you must defrost them and drain the water, otherwise the broth will become thin and tasteless.

3. Spices.

  • Galang/galangal/galangal (it’s just a different name of root) – 1 PC (30g). You can replace the ginger (30g) or put both the root.
  • Lemon grass/lemon grass/lemongrass – 3 sticks, if fresh, or 3 tablespoons dry.
  • The leaves of Kaffir/Kaffir lime – 4 PCs 8 PCs fresh or dry.
  • Hot chili pepper – 3 PCs.
  • Paste for soup, Tom Kha or Tom yum – I put about 10g per 100ml broth. The idea is you need to use the paste for soup, Tom Kha, but I like to put 50/50 with Tom Yam paste. And I’m talking about the pasta, which you can see on the link. Each manufacturer is its own, so put a little first and add the pasta gradually.
  • Fish sauce (it instead of salt) – 2-3 tbsp
  • Cilantro – 1-2 beam (in the soup needs a generous handful) directly to supply a couple tablespoons of chopped herbs in each bowl.
  • Lime – 1-2 jokes. It is necessary for the supply of soup, or rather the juice of the lime slices into the bowl.
  • Sweetener (palm sugar, Jerusalem artichoke syrup or any other sweetener you have) – 2-4 tbsp
  • 1 onion,
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

How to do:

1. Broth.

To soup was easy to eat, I cook the broth for seasoning, then throw them. In chicken broth/water, put sliced arbitrarily galang, ginger, lemograss, Chile peppers, optional add the onion and garlic. Lime leaves torn at the veins, and throws after him. Bring to the boil, after 5 minutes, turn off and allow to stand for about an hour (during this time all the spices give their aromas), filter the broth. Spices discarded.

2. The preparation of ingredients.

Chicken, mushrooms, shrimp, eggplant wash. I love when the soup all the same size and large enough cut, so I cut the mushrooms in half, and the chicken a little smaller pieces. When cooked, it increases in size, and mushrooms – on the contrary compressed. By the way, shrimp are also significantly compressed, buy large. Eggplant cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts. The shrimp removes all the inedible: remove the shell completely, with head and tail, cut the back and remove the intestine.

3. The process of cooking.

Broth (welded to item 1) bring to a boil, and then throws him in the chicken. So the meat will retain juiciness and flavor, this soup is exactly what we need. Cook 10 minutes, then add mushrooms and eggplant and cook for another 5 minutes. At this time, fry in a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil paste Tom Kha to a bright aroma (about 2 minutes).

Only after the chicken, mushrooms and aubergines are ready, add the coconut milk and pasta, bring to a boil over low heat.

Then add shrimp, cream, fish sauce and balance the taste with sweetener.

If your shrimp is raw (green), then cook them for 3-4 minutes, then add a handful of coarsely chopped cilantro, stir, turn off. If the shrimp was already done (red), then put them with the cilantro at the same time, immediately remove the soup from heat.

Shrimp should be added at the end to keep them soft. If they overcook, they will become rubber.

4. Flow (kick it an important point).

Pour the soup into a bowl, top throw 2-3 tbsp chopped coriander and served with a large slice of lime, the juice of which you must squeeze at the top. Optionally, the dish can be decorated with slices of Chile pepper.

If the soup is very spicy, you can apply to it the boiled rice.


Pri long heat treatment the coconut milk loses its structure and breaks into flakes. I don’t like the consistency of soup, so have developed a hack to add the milk and cream at the end of cooking. If you love the perfect smooth consistency of the soup, I recommend to follow my method.

Important 2.

This way you can cook and Tom Yam in coconut milk. Insanely delicious!

Salad with shrimp, papaya and avocado

Recipe for 2 servings:

1. Sauce. In a blender, mix 2-3st.l. Greek yogurt, 50g. grated Parmesan cheese, 2 cloves garlic 2st.l. olive oil, juice of half a lime, optional ½ chili pepper without seeds and veins, salt/pepper to taste, add after the whipped sauce. It should turn out like thick cream.

Also come based sauce tahini (like the one I did for salad with pumpkin and chickpeas) or the Asian style (with sesame oil, fish sauce, ginger, rice vinegar, garlic and Chile). Only in this case lettuce should be replaced by bean sprouts.

2. Avocado 1pc. cut into large cubes and immediately sprinkle with lime juice, not to dark. Papaya peel and slice similarly, the quantity of avocado or a little more. Add to this all a couple of handfuls of salad leaves (I like this salad with a mix of Romaine and the radicchio).

3. Shrimp cleaned from the shell and tail, then make a cut on the back and remove the intestines, wash them, dry on a paper towel. The pan good heat, pour oil on it for frying and add 1 crushed clove of garlic. Warmed the oil for 10 seconds, stirring the garlic in the oil. Garlic take out and put the shrimp in 1 layer. Fry 1 minute on each side over very high heat. If shrimp are very large and crude, then 1.5 min on each side. The main thing not to overdo, so they do not become rubber. Remove shrimp, sprinkle them with lime juice, season with salt and pepper, stir.

4. Collect salad. Combine all ingredients, dress with the sauce, stir.

5. Feed. On top of the salad sprinkle a little chopped cilantro and chopped roasted peanuts. This is the bomb!

Green pasta with spinach and shrimp/salmon

For 4 servings:

1. Sauce. Spinach 150g, 150-200g mascarpone, 30-50g of Parmesan, 2-3st.l. olive oil, 3 cloves of garlic, juice of half a lemon, salt/pepper/nutmeg to taste in a blender into a homogeneous mass. If the blender won’t handle – add 1st.l. milk until the mixture becomes vulnerable to whipping.

2. Another 100-150g of spinach and chop, removing all hard sticks.

3. Pasta (300g) cook as directed on the package, but not tovariwa 3min from the time.

I used whole wheat pasta fusilli. Here also suitable spaghetti, linguine, tagliatelle and fettuccine.

4. As soon as the pasta is ready, drain the water, add the sauce and chopped spinach. Cook another 3 minutes, until fully cooked.

5. Shrimp cleaned from the shell and tail, then make a cut on the back and remove the intestines, wash them, dry on a paper towel. The pan good heat, pour oil on it for frying and add 1 crushed clove of garlic. Warmed the oil for 10 seconds, stirring the garlic in the oil. Garlic take out and put the shrimp in 1 layer. Fry 1 minute on each side over very high heat. If shrimp are very large and crude, then 1.5 min on each side. The main thing not to overdo, so they do not become rubber. Remove shrimp, sprinkle them with lime juice/lemon, season with salt and pepper, stir. Ideally, if pasta and shrimp are ready at the same time.

Shrimp can replace it with salmon/salmon, fried small pieces of fish the same way.

6. Feed. Paste spread on a plate, top with a little Parmesan, and then a topping of shrimp, a little Parmesan, 3-4pcs cherry tomatoes, a few pinches of roasted pine nuts, freshly ground pepper and Bon appetit!

Perfect scallops with garlic, parsley and lemon

Recipe (for 2 servings):

1. Scallops (10-12pcs.) pruning and clean away the black streaks. Rinse and dry on paper towels. To separate the shell from the white flesh, rinse (might get sand), quickly dried with paper towels. If you buy scallops without the shell, everything will be much easier;)

2. Parsley (10-15стеблей) wash, separate the leaves from the stems and chop. 2 cloves of garlic peel and chop. All the mix, adding to the mix 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. Put the scallops in the marinade, again mix gently and leave at room temperature for 15 min.

3. Preheat the pan as much as possible and you can fry the scallops (without the marinade) about 20-30 seconds on each side. For beautiful fragrant crust, add the ghee. Fry in small batches to be able to flip. If they overdo, the flesh will be rubbery.

4. Serve immediately, sprinkled with lemon juice. Served perfect with a side dish of asparagus or spinach.

Spicy corn and crab cream soup

I must say that the soup itself can be vegan, so the crab topping can be replaced with any other that you eat. Crackers, fresh herbs, cheeses, legumes, nuts, etc.

1. Prepare the crab phalanx.

If they are already boiled (red-orange), then rinse and lower into salted boiling water for 2 minutes. If they are fresh, then we do the same, but for 15-20 minutes (the more legs, the more time is needed for cooking). In the water you can put spices to your taste. I don’t. Next, preferably in rubber gloves (because you can get hurt) cut the chitinous layer along the entire leg. It is malleable, kitchen scissors will do well if you do not have special ones. Remove the meat. From the first phalanx (the one that was closer to the carcass) we take out a piece of pulp entirely, and from the next we take out parts, because the veins will not allow you to do otherwise. Just for information: a fresh crab under chitin has a jelly-like substance, it turns into elastic pulp during heat treatment. If you suddenly want to remove chitin from a raw comrade)))

2. Cut 1 onion and 2 medium carrots into cubes, saute until golden brown in a saucepan in frying oil (I have melted butter).

3. add about 700g of corn to the pan (either cut the grains from 4 cobs, or canned 2 cans). Add milk so that the vegetables are closed. Cook until the corn is ready. If it was canned, then 5 minutes just warm up.

4. Add 20g of grated ginger to the vegetables (you can replace it with dry, but then put it later). Blender vegetables, bring milk to the consistency you need. I love thick puree soups, and I’ve used roughly 400ml of milk. Who does not drink cow’s milk, you can use coconut with water, you can just water.

5. this item is not directly mandatory, but it makes the soup magic. It must be filtered through a colander from the corn husk.

6. strain, return the soup to the pan and then add spices (salt, freshly ground black pepper, paprika, chili pepper, dry ginger) and liquid, if necessary. I took a generous pinch of everything.

7. divide the crab meat into pieces and spread on top. You can decorate with sesame (like me) and coriander leaves. And if you sprinkle the whole structure with lemon and truffle oil on top, it will be very!

P.S. for satiety and increase the amount of protein in the dish, you can add a couple of handfuls of White already cooked beans to the soup. The main thing is not to overdo it, and then the taste will not be so bright. But do not worry, it can be balanced by adding a little more spices;)

Green zucchini soup with shrimps

How I do it:

I take zucchini (2-3 medium size) you can add other vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, spinach) + onions are exactly 2 times less than the number of basic vegetables.

In a saucepan, heat the oil for frying (ghee, olive oil of low acidity, avocado oil) and pass the onion, which I cut into cubes. You can add some carrots and celery to it, if you like. I do not add carrots to green soups so as not to spoil the color.

When the onion is ready (golden and smells delicious), add 2-3 cloves of garlic very finely chopped, actively mix and after 30 seconds throw all the other vegetables, cut into cubes or divided into inflorescences. I add water so that it covers all the vegetables and the carcass until the vegetables are ready. If I put spinach, then right at the very end (2 minutes before cooking). By the way, I do not use potatoes in cream soups, because I do not like the consistency of the paste, which it gives when whipping with a blender.

With an immersion blender, beat the contents directly in the pan, add water/milk/cream (it depends on the mood and the desired caloric content of the soup). I add it gradually so that the soup is not too liquid. As soon as I am satisfied with the density and consistency, I start adding spices, not before, so as not to make a mistake in their quantity. Usually I put salt, pepper, nutmeg, Provencal herbs. It can also be ginger, chili pepper, hops-suneli, etc. (this depends on the specific soup). Once again I warm up the soup and it’s ready.


In such soups, more than half of the success is competent topping.

For soups of green vegetables, like this, cheeses (Parmesan, blue cheese), shrimp/crab, fried with herbs and onions mushrooms+parmesan+baked garlic will do.

For cauliflower soup, red caviar is very cool.

For tomato soup: poached egg something meaty like chorizo / fried bacon+ricotta, Parmesan.

Pumpkin soup will garnish (to taste) with olive oil+balsamic sauce+roasted pumpkin seeds, cheeses (ricotta, goat cheese, blue cheese, strachatella).

Oh, yes, croutons are always appropriate for mashed soups.

P.S. for satiety and increase the amount of protein in the dish, you can add a couple of handfuls of White already cooked beans to the soup. The main thing is not to overdo it, and then the taste will not be so bright. But do not worry, it can be balanced by adding a little more spices;)

Salad with mango, shrimp and peanuts

Dedicated to all connoisseurs of Asian cuisine, lovers of shrimp and mango!

This is a dump of the head, and cook for 5-7 minutes:

1. shrimp (300g) cleaned from the Shell and tail, then make an incision on the back and remove the intestines, wash them, dry them on a paper towel. Then they need to fry in sesame oil with 1 chili pepper without seeds until cooked (I had it for 3 minutes), put everything in a bowl, add red onion half rings according to the amount to your taste and sprinkle with fish sauce and sesame oil, mix.

2. Mango 1-2 PCs. (better Green is not sweet) peel, cut the flesh on both sides of the bone and chop along the thinnest strips.

3. spread the mango on a plate, top with shrimp sauce and already pickled onion, sprinkle with roasted peanuts and Bon Appetit!

But it will be tastier if you mix everything and wait for 2 minutes, and then there is;)))

How to cook shrimp and delicious salad recipe with them

I decided today to hit the classics, because arugula+avocado+shrimp fried in garlic oil – this is it. And tomatoes, pine nuts and Parmesan are generally ideal companions for almost any salad. Season with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

For one serving you will need a handful of arugula, half an avocado, 6-8 cherry tomatoes, 7-10 fried shrimp, 1 tbsp grated Parmesan, 1 tbsp roasted pine nuts, 1 tbsp unrefined olive oil and balsamic cream to taste.

A bonus will be tips about cooking shrimp:

Any shrimp (fresh / cooked, shelled or not) if necessary I defrost in the fridge. Defrosting in the refrigerator is more gentle and less affects the structure and taste of meat. Then clean (if necessary), remove the intestines, rinse and dry on paper towels, and then cook. Drying is especially important for subsequent frying, so that they really fry, and not languish in the remaining water.

The cooking time of shrimp depends on the size and availability of the shell. The larger the shrimp, the longer it can be cooked without losing the taste of the meat. If the shrimp is with a shell, then it will also retain its softness a little longer than peeled. 

Ready-made shrimp (red) should be subjected to heat treatment for no more than 1 minute, so that they are juicy and melting in the mouth. If I need to add such shrimp to the soup, I do it in the nick of time. Fry too very quickly, just so they warmed up and acquired a small appetizing crust.

Fresh shrimp (Gray-greenish) and without Shell are cooked for 2-3 minutes or until the meat is white, the duration depends on the size of the shrimp.

The readiness of shrimp when frying is very easy to determine – this is when it is slightly curled, and the tail began to press against the head. In general, look at the color of the meat. From Transparent, it should turn into white. And then you can immediately remove from the stove.

I don’t salt the shrimp to keep it soft, unless the recipe calls for it. In any case, then sauces and dressings are all balanced. In addition, shrimp can be quite salty on their own.

Shrimp tails for some reason are usually left for beauty, but in fact I tear them off so that the dish is convenient to eat. Not in all dishes, but in a salad for sure;)