How to make chia pudding

I already wrote about my favorite Chia pudding with mango, and today we will talk about life hacks on how to make delicious Chia pudding with any berries or fruit.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds
  • 100 ml coconut milk (I usually have fat milk 16-19%). You can use less fat or any nut/cow’s milk, or even coconut water, but the proportions of seeds then will be different.
  • 200 g of berries/fruit that you like.
  • Optional pinch of ground vanilla,
  • Coconut chips, cinnamon, other spices, and sweeteners – optional and to taste.

How to do:

1. Pudding.

Mix the milk, seeds, vanilla and sweetener, if you use (I do not put), leave for 5-10 minutes to stand. After that, again mix the pudding to a uniform consistency, then close the container and send it to the refrigerator for a period of 2 hours (you can overnight). The pudding should be quite thick, not liquid. If it is not, add some more Chia seeds and let it stand in the refrigerator for about an hour.

2. Fruit puree.

The filler for the pudding should have about the same density as the pudding itself, this gives the dish a pleasant unified texture. How to do this:

The first method.
If we make it from dense, fleshy fruits such as mango, papaya, banana, avocado or with their participation.
For 1 serving, you will need the same proportions of Chia seeds and milk, and for fruit puree-half a small banana and about 100g of berries. A few berries can be left for decoration, and the rest is punched in a blender, and put in layers.

Second way.
If we want to make a puree of berries/fruits that contain a lot of liquid, then I recommend doing this:

Cut the berries at random, the main thing is that the juice can come out of them. Put in a saucepan, give 10 minutes to lie down and give the juices, then slowly heat over a low heat, bring to a boil, after a couple of minutes turn off and cool. The taste of fresh berries / fruits after such a short heat exposure remains almost unchanged. But their weight decreases significantly, that is, 200g of fresh berries turns into about 100g of processed + juice.

After that, we have only the pulp without juice in the blender (the juice can be used for cooking other dishes – in sauces, lemonades, etc.). you can optionally add a pinch of cinnamon and a sweetener (maple syrup, agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.). Whisk until puree.

3. about 15 Minutes before serving, you need to get the seeds out of the refrigerator so that they are slightly warmed up and have a more liquid consistency. In a transparent glass, put any layers of Chia, fruit puree, berries, any toppings to your taste.

You can use frozen berries, they need to be thawed, thrown back in a colander, let the excess moisture drain, and then use or warm up according to the method described above.

Coconut Chia pudding with mango

It is VERY tasty and VERY simple, I love it!

To begin with, I don’t like any of the puddings, jellies, souffles, mousses, jellies and other blancmange, and this dessert is like a pudding, but no. Ready to eat it at least every day.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

1 tablespoon of Chia seeds

100 ml coconut milk (I usually have fat milk 16-19%). You can use less fat or any nut/cow’s milk, or even coconut water, but the proportions of seeds then will be different.

200 g ripe mango (1-2 pieces, depending on their size).

Optional pinch of ground vanilla,

Coconut chips, cinnamon, other spices, and sweeteners – optional and to taste.

How to do:

1. Pudding. Mix the milk, seeds, vanilla and sweetener if using (I don’t use), leave 5-10 minutes to stand up. Then again, mix the pudding until smooth, then cover the container and send in the fridge for 2 hours (can be overnight). Pudding is supposed to be quite thick, not runny. If he doesn’t, then add a little more Chia seeds and let it stand in the refrigerator for about an hour.

2. About 15 minutes before serving need to get the seeds out of the fridge, and while they are slightly warm and turn into a thinner consistency, clean mango, 1/3 pulp cut into arbitrary pieces, the rest whisk in a blender, puree. In mango puree, you can add maple syrup or any other, if mango got unripe.

3. In a transparent glass put layers of Chia, puree and mango slices. Top beautiful and delicious to put coconut chips (not the chips). I now threw some granola, which is also delicious. This crisp component in this dessert works as “the cherry on the cake”;)

This dessert can and needs to experiment, adding different fruits, such as papaya, is also very tasty:)