Flatbread with sweet potato/pumpkin

Ingredients (10-12 pieces):

* 1 medium-sized sweet potato (about 2 cups of pulp). Sweet potatoes can be replaced with ordinary potatoes, but the taste will certainly be different, and it can also be replaced with pumpkin, or a mixture of pumpkin and potatoes, then the taste will be very close to sweet potatoes;)

2 cups whole wheat flour. It is this flour that you need exactly as much as the sweet potato occupies in volume. You will get 1 cup of pulp, so you will need 1 cup of flour. In addition, you can safely experiment with flour, replacing part of the wheat with barley, spelt, rye, etc.

* 1 tsp salt

* Optionally, you can add any spices to your taste (chili, turmeric, paprika, cumin, curry, etc.).

How to do:

1. bake sweet potatoes. First, carefully wash it, pierce it with a fork in several places so that it does not crack, wrap it in foil or spread it on parchment. Bake for 40-60 minutes at a temperature of 180C-200C in the standard mode “top-bottom”. The temperature and time depends on the oven. The readiness of sweet potatoes is determined by a knife, if it is easily pierced – everything is ready. Do not turn off the oven, but put it to warm up to the maximum.

2. let the fruit cool slightly, peel it, then chop it with a fork in a large bowl, adding salt and spices.

Important. Do not knead it for too long, grinding it into porridge. So the mass will be too starchy, like paste, and the cakes will turn out to be rubber, not soft.

3. in the crushed sweet potato, gradually add flour and mix the contents. I first put half of the flour, mix, and then add portions. Add until the dough stops sticking. It is important not to overdo it with flour, so that the cakes do not become too dry and hard in the end.

And again, do not knead too intensively, it is not necessary.

4. cover the dough hermetically and let it stand for 30 minutes, after proofing it will become tender and pliable to Rolling.

5. dust the surface with flour, spread the dough on it and roll it into a sausage. Cut in half, then each piece into 5-6 equal parts. The result is 10-12 identical pieces, well, or almost identical.

Roll each piece into a smooth ball, put it to rest for another 10-15 minutes under a towel. This item can be omitted if you are in a hurry.

6. each ball is first flattened by hand, then on the surface dusted with flour we roll out with a rolling pin about 3 mm thick. As thin as possible, as thick as you like.

We fold the cakes in a pile under the towel so that they do not zavetrel.

7. then spread a few tortillas on a baking sheet with parchment in 1 layer and bake until they are inflated and baked. It’s 5-10 minutes, depends on the oven. After each batch, peel the parchment from the fallen flour so that it does not burn and does not spoil the taste of the next tortillas. Or fry in a dry preheated frying pan on medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes on each side until brown.

Put the finished cakes in a sealed container in a towel. It will keep them warm and soft.

They can be eaten with any dishes instead of bread, used as pita/Pita Bread for snacks with any fillings. Bon Appetit!

Homemade whole grain corn flour tortillas and nachos

I love tortillas because quite often cook them with Mexican dishes (scrambled eggs Mexican style, Taco, chili con carne). And homemade tortillas without any additives that are often present in store-bought versions.

I tried to make the dough and purely of corn meal and just the wheat, but the taste was not very balanced. Wheat – dull, corn – very strong smell and is dominant in the dishes. But their mix is the best option. Plus to work with the dough very convenient.

Ingredients (for a 22 pellet with a diameter of 15-16 cm or 17 pellets with a diameter of about 20 cm):

  • 300 g (about 2 cups 250 ml) of CL wheat flour (note that the proportions of flour and water is calculated for whole wheat flour),
  • 150 g (about 1 Cup, 250 ml) corn flour better for fine grinding,
  • 2 tbsp oil (corn or strictly without bright flavor neutral taste),
  • 250 ml (1 Cup) hot water or slightly more depending on flour
  • 1 tsp. of salt without slides.

Can experiment with different spices: sweet paprika, smoked paprika, Chile pepper, black pepper, ground garlic/onion, turmeric, oregano, etc. you Can even put cheese. Even in a small amount they will lend piquancy and singularity of these pellets. But I like classical taste with no additives.

How to do:

1. The flour is desirable to sift, mix both kinds of flour between them, add butter, again mix everything carefully. In parallel, the water put to boil, adding salt. Then make a hole in flour and pour in water, mix the dough with a spoon until smooth (you may not much try – knead will be a little later), cover the dough with clingfilm or a lid hermetically(!) so it does not dry, leave to rest for 25-30 minutes. This is necessary in order to have stronger gluten and swelled coarse particles of wheat flour because it is whole grain. After this time you will notice that the dough will be a little different, more plastic.

2. Continue kneading with your hands. Bythen the dough will become smooth and elastic, roll it into a sausage or ball and then put it in a sealed container so that it does not dry and leave to rest for 30-40 minutes.

3. Then take the dough, cut it in half, then those halves for another 2 or so until it’s 16 pieces, and then stretch their hands to the state of the large pellet and again clean in a hermetic container so that the dough has dried and left to rest for 20 minutes. It is necessary that the dough became more pliable and well rolled out into a thin pellet.

4. Next, take a piece of dough and roll with rolling pin from center to edges in a very thin layer (no more than 1.5 mm). The surface and the rolling pin I recommend sprinkle with flour. I am in the process turn the dough on one side, then the other, so it does not stick to the surface.

If you are a perfectionist, then rolled out a layer of dough can be cut according to the form that all the cakes turned out perfectly smooth. Just apply on top of the lid from the saucepan, for example, and just cut off the superfluous edges. Send the finished cake in an airtight container. And so, until you roll them all.

The remains are not thrown and crushed and put in a sealed container to the remaining pieces of dough. When they become enough to roll out of them more cake – roll as described above.

Cut out all the remnants you can make 1-2 cakes 20 cm or 4-5 pellets 15 cm in diameter. Number of ready-made tortillas are inclusive of these additional.

5. Further xgood warm up the pan and leave to medium-high heat. Fry on a dry pan on the first side until bubbles and markings on the second side similarly. Further, the frying pan will be heated stronger and the process will move faster. If you think that the cake is not baked, it’s not) Well, or you are not well warmed up frying pan.

Important. Baste periodically with a dry paper towel in the flour, which will accumulate in the pan. Otherwise it will be overdone and will give bread an unpleasant bitter taste.

Ready tortilla, immediately sprinkle with or lubricated with water (there is useful spray bottle for flowers or a cooking brush) and then remove to a sealed container, otherwise it will turn into a biscuit. Amazingly, in 2-3 days they still taste better.


They recommend to do from pellets no more than 15 cm in diameter. Usually nachos are fried in oil, I have more than is dietary option.

I just cut the finished tortilla into 8 pieces and fry both sides on a dry pan until crisp. Make fire medium-strong.

It turns out very tasty and lean.

P. S. I tried a lot of recipes nachos. Either the chips turn out ugly, or very fat, or “oak” that not to bite. These are the best;) Just I recommend!

Whole Wheat Rye Flatbreads

They’re gorgeous, I love them.

Recipe for 1 baking sheet: 500g flour, 1H. L. salt, 2H. L. soda mix.

400 ml of anything fermented (matsoni kefir, yogurt, even cottage cheese will do), you can mix it all, 2stl. L. vegetable oil and optionally 1stl. L. Jerusalem artichoke syrup/honey mix and add to the dry ingredients.

Knead the dough for 2 minutes, just to mix everything. Leave for 15 minutes at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes so that it hardens and it is more convenient to roll it out.

Put the dough on a floured work surface, sprinkle it with flour on top and roll out a layer 1.5 cm thick. (thinner is not worth it, they can dry out). Cut out the cakes, transfer to a baking sheet with baking paper, prick with a fork. I sprinkle them with sea salt on top and pour a little (!) Jerusalem artichoke/agave/maple syrup. Bake for 10 minutes at 200C (to make a crust) and then 10-15 minutes at 180C for baking. Ideally with cheese or Morel can be made.