Hello everyone!
Welcome to my website, here I talk about delicious food and the importance of a conscious, thoughtful approach to nutrition, consumer culture and life in general.
Why Agapi.Style, what is it?
Agapi/Agape in Greek means unconditional love. I try to do everything in my life with just such a feeling, from the bottom of my heart. This approach can be called my lifestyle. The name of the site was born from this play on words.
Different facts about me in the context of this blog:
I love exceptionally delicious food and I believe that it can be delicious only if it is made from high-quality products. Therefore, I carefully choose products in stores, grocery stores themselves, study the policies of manufacturing companies and their production technologies in order to choose the best available. I am no less selective when buying kitchen utensils.
Besides the taste in the dishes, I appreciate the health benefits. Thus, my diet balances somewhere between gastronomic pleasures and proper nutrition.
My feature
I have a very sensitive sense of smell and taste buds, so I can guess the ingredients of unfamiliar dishes and invent delicious recipes. And, since I cook and experiment a lot, I’ve accumulated a bunch of useful life hacks that I’m sharing here.
My second feature
I always have my own clear reasoned position on any issue. It is impossible to convince me that something is delicious, just because it is fashionable, or that some restaurant is good, because there is a famous chef there.
I travel a lot and consider trips to be almost the best school of life. I bring new knowledge, culinary secrets, recipes, products, spices from each country and find interesting places there.
Taking care of the environment
I am very careful about nature and try to minimize at least a little the harm that is caused to it due to our human life activity.
I share this information so that you enjoy your food like me, be more conscious and healthier, simplify your life using different tricks, and just learn something new/useful/interesting.
I am always ready for dialogue and interesting cooperation. You can write me an email agapistyleblogger@gmail.com or in Telegram.
Follow me on Instagram and my Telegram channel.
IMPORTANT 1. I’m talking about my experience, but this is not a guide to action. IMPORTANT 2. All texts and photos are my authorship, and can be used on other resources and for commercial purposes only with my consent.
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