My regular dessert without the added sugar, not fat, with lots of fiber and very tasty! In addition, this cake can be done totally different depending on what kind of peanut butter you add. Want a “Snickers” want “halva with chocolate”, want sesame “brittle”, “bounty”, etc.
The texture of the cake is obtained, as in sand rings with nuts, if anyone else remembers such))) And the taste is also very close if you use peanut butter.
Important. For those who can’t eat gluten, eggs and dairy products, this pie will be a lifesaver.
Ingredients (for square shape 28*28 cm, height pie is roughly 2-2. 5 cm):
• 480 g of cooked chickpeas (2 standard cans of chickpeas without the liquid, you can substitute white beans, but with chickpeas I like a little more)
• 10 without Iranian date syrup (or to taste), if you have a king dates, they will need 6-7 pieces,
• To 100 ml of any type of milk (if needed, if the blender will not cope with “test”),
• 5-6 tbsp any nut butter/Urbach to your taste,
• 2 eggs, or 2 “flax eggs” (2 tbsp flax seed to grind into flour + 5-6 tbsp of water, stir, leave for a few minutes until thick).,
• 3 tbsp almond flour/rolled oats (optional)
• Zest of 1 small lemon (optional)
• 2 tsp ground vanilla (or extract),
• 1 tsp. cinnamon
• 0.5 tsp. salt (do not salt if you use already salted the beans from the jar or the beans salted during cooking),
• Nuts/dried fruit/chocolate chips, optional, number at your discretion.
• 2 squares of chocolate+any 50 ml. milk and 2 tsp of walnut Urbach for decoration, also an option.
If you want to Supplement the recipe with some spices to your taste – to health, but only if they are combined with other ingredients;)
How to do:
1. Chickpeas. You can use canned chickpeas or boil in any convenient way (here described in detail, as I do).
2. Whisk in a blender eggs with salt until fluffy foam, about 2 minutes. Add to the dates, peanut butter, spices, flour/cereal and zest (if using). If you have very dry dates, soak them for 10 minutes in boiling water.
3. Now add in the blender the chickpeas and cook until smooth, if necessary add milk. if necessary add milk. . Direct to perfect smoothness to bring the “dough” is not required. Now interfere with a spoon the chocolate chips, nuts (preferably roasted) and dried fruit. But this is at your discretion, cake self-sufficient without them. But with additional ingredients of course tastier and fatter, and sweeter. Here it is that someone important;)
4. Lay out the form with parchment paper, lightly grease it with oil. Gram distribute weight evenly and bake in a preheated 180C oven for 25-35 minutes. Baking time will depend on your equipment. I love tanned well baked cake, with a delicious crispy crust, so baked to the max.
5. Take out the pie and let it cool to room temperature and then decorate, which is also optional, but nice and elegant.
I melted 2 squares of bitter chocolate oatmeal milk and spoon randomly sprayed on the surface, and then a couple of teaspoons of peanut butter, which was making the pie.
Now pie can be cut is. Bon appetit!
Important. To me this cake is more like it room temperature, so I recommend not to hurry with the eating, only when he is ready.
And even more important point – on the second day, this cake is not so delicious as the first. Therefore, I recommend to do a cake this size, to eat it in one day.
Either immediately after cooling down to freeze. Unfreeze VNA plate, not in the container, and then it will be too wet. And it is better not to defrost in the refrigerator, because it can absorb odors of other products, I once was so)))